Twitter Can't Hold It In Anymore and Explodes on Trump’s Unverified Russia Leak With a Shower of Pee-Related Jokes

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    Not the best team to be insulting.

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    Even Amazon Movie Reviews got in on it

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    Nailed it.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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    Ok. This one is fake news.

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    This one's gold!

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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    This would explain a lot.

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    Relax. It's sterile.

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    The came the R. Kelly jokes.

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    It's gonna be a long four years

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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    C'mon. That's his natural hair color.

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    One man who likes this: Joe Biden

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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    Their thirsty... Maybe that's not the word for right now.

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    Good point.

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    :Kids, have a seat."

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    Get in formation.

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    Come on.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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  • 17

    Dude, loves gold.

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    This joke is hil—oh, it's from three years ago.

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    Besting Nixon?

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    Great parenting.


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