Animal Photos And The Touching Stories Behind Them

  • 01

    “This is a Canadian goose named Dorthy. She visits my grandparents’ house every year to make her nest and lay her eggs.”

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  • 02

    This image once went viral with the caption, “The fawn mistook this dummy for his mother.” The truth is that the fawn is only hiding behind the dummy until his mom returns. Which she did safely.

  • 03

    “My cat is on a diet. I found his stash.”

  • 04

    "These people formed a living corridor to help the newborn sea turtles get to the water without being carried away by the seagulls."

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  • 05

    This cat was found living a double-life.

    Cat - atito casas
  • 06

    "4-6 week old walrus who strayed from his family and was rescued by fishermen from an Alaska bay, and an employee of a marine rehabilitation center"

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    This beautiful baby zebra was spotted hiding amongst sheep when running from lions. The man in the photo is now the zebra's mother, since zebras memorize the colors of their parents, this man has to wear this coat.

    Zebra - © David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
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  • 08

    “I’ve been waiting 6 years to get a dog and the day finally came. Meet Archie!”

    Dog - ver, It sounded to her like e the his who w Polliston Crossing, but getting very worri so little oomph in hin They were waiting in the by two in the afternoon. By th
  • 09

    "These seals were rescued from an ice formation in the Saint Petersburgh river. They are safe and sound."

  • 10

    “These pictures of our cat Drax were taken 4 months apart. When we got him from the animal shelter, his back half had practically no fur and he weighed just 4.5 lb. He’s really fluffed out!”

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  • 11

    "My baby helped my boyfriend propose to me yesterday! 11/10 good."

  • 12

    “My dad works at home and chooses the best employee every quarter. It’s always our dog Meeka.”

    Brown - Accuride Employee Of The Quarter Q2-2016 SouthEastem Sales Center MEEKA Accuride Accuride Accuride Accuride Employee Of The Quarter 02 2016 Employee Of The Quarter 03-20 Snt S Can Employee Of The Quarter OE2016 Employee Of The Quarter MEEKA МЕЕКА МЕЕКА MEEKA
  • 13

    "Every night, she'll meows at us until we hold her like this."

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    “My mom meeting her dream kitten for the first time today!”

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    “My dog, who has never liked cats, adopted my baby foster kitten. She adopted him too, I think...”

  • 16

    "The inhabitants of Kamchatka found a 6-month-old bear on the side of the road. Now she lives in a center for animals and weighs 440 lb. She is a star on social media!"

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  • 17

    There is a zoo in Belgian where the otters and orangutans live together. They are friends and you can see a baby orangutan playing hide-n-seek with the otters in the images here.

  • 18

    "8-month-old Simba was used for photos for money before being abandoned, scared, and paralyzed. Doctor Karen Dallakyan performed surgery and the lion is recovering at the moment."

    There was a problem rendering this video - it may have been deleted.
  • 19

    "Jax is the official stamp-licker in Scotland. He works every day, patiently expecting new clients."

    There was a problem rendering this video - it may have been deleted.


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