
15 Un-Useless Japanese Inventions That Make Perfect Sense

  • 1

    Exact location back scratcher

    Joint - ABCDEFGHIJ 10 ABCDEFGHIJ 67890 shirt with grid for scratching

    We all have those hard-to-reach spots that no matter how hard we try, we just can't itch them. This invention allows you to point to the exact spot where your back is itching, so you can finally get some relief. Genius. 

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  • 2

    Butter grater

    photo butter being grated onto toast chindogu inventions

    We all know that spreading cold butter on your toast can be disastrous. Worst case, you'll tear holes in your toast and have lumps of cold butter in between the holes. Tragic! This butter grater supposedly solves the problem by finely grating the butter so it's easier to spread. It makes sense in theory. 

  • 3

    Umbrellas for your favorite shoes

    photo woman wearing while high heels with umbrellas attached to them chindogu

    Ah, the essential umbrella shoe. No-one wants to get their favorite shoes wet when it's raining, but changing your outfit to wear more suitable shoes is out of the question. The only logical solution? Put little umbrellas on your shoes. They will make it difficult to walk, and will only provide minimal protection for your shoes. But at least you'll look awesome. 

  • 4

    Pillow disguised as a book

    Joint - WORKAHOLIC S 事中书館 woman sleeping on pillow disguised as book

    If you're prone to sleeping in places other than your bed, but don't want to face the embarrassment of carrying around a pillow, the disguised pillow is your best bet. Carry around your "book" and when the sleepiness strikes, discreetly open it up and rest that weary head of yours. 

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  • 5

    360 degree panorama camera

    Head - MINI MINI person with cameras on head for 360 degree photo

    Before judging this one, let's remember that this book was published in 2005, before smartphones had decent cameras. So this kind of makes sense! Using this contraption would create a pretty decent panorama, although I'm not so sure about surrounding your head with the ring of photos. Just display them on the wall. 

  • 6

    The ultra umbrella

    Photograph - sd woman under red umbrella surrounded by plastic sheet

    If you'd like the protection of both an umbrella and a whole-body raincoat - but don't want to degrade your standards of fashion by wearing an actual raincoat - this is your solution. We're not exactly sure how one would get in and out of the ultra umbrella, but it does look like it'd keep the rain off you. To be safe, better wear those shoe umbrellas too.

  • 7

    The noodle fan

    person eating noodles from chopsticks with fan attached

    How many times have you burned your tongue on hot noodles? Too many times! The only logical solution? The noodle fan, of course. When you don't have the time to blow on your noodles analogue style, just use the noodle fan to cool down your noodles at high speeds. But be careful that your noodles don't get sucked inside the fan. 

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  • 8

    Hearing enhancer

    silver bowls on girls ears Organ - Ea Etene Farget uter and araer n Ce trpe rop ore beg oed t wart seed ar pe run U mg at rhoe ony nte sa

    If discretion isn't your thing and you want to let the world know that you don't hear very well, wear the hearing enhancer. Essentially two salad bowls will funnel all the world's noises into your ears, hopefully helping you hear better. Note: it may be difficult to wear hats with the hearing enhancer. 

  • 9

    Eyedrop glasses

    eyedrop glasses

    If you don't like putting in eyedrops, this one is for you. I'm not exactly sure how these glasses would make putting eyedrops in easier, but let's trust that it does. Or at least it looks kinda funky.

  • 10

    Butter stick

    butter stick being spread onto bread Hand - BUTTER STICK TYPE

    Another invention combating the problem of getting butter spread nicely over your toast. It really is one of the hardest challenges we face today! The butter stick promises to change everything, allowing you to spread butter on your toast via a chapstick style butter dispenser. It also makes it easy to carry your butter around, as one does. 

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  • 11

    Alarm headphones

    alarm clocks red on girls head Gadget - 1 Pernonal Wake Meatahane *Rouses the deepest of sleepersin stereo gettf bed te nomngeone m hat bo. buor p m s t ever mn en tt e wheotng wks ne e e o Penona We tro Theoturra wtjatn to o heystr o ye sase wystat he diy u wth your tat and r rer ghg te te dgan he mattealy nd depert une hee frot the ng ta yotgtpte t pe gt sone E道具

    This one is for people who have a really hard time waking up. If it's not enough to have two alarms ringing near you, try putting them directly onto your ears. If that's not enough, you've got a hearing problem (so you should wear the hearing enhancer, above). 

  • 12

    Baby mop suit

    baby wearing suit with mop on bottom chindogu

    Babies. What use are they, really? They go around, eating your food, living in your house without paying rent, and generally mooching off you. If you want your baby to contribute to the household duties, get yourself a baby mop suit. Instead of crawling around unproductively, your baby will clean the floor while it crawls. Genius.

  • 13

    The crier's best friend

    man wearing toilet paper roll on head chindogu

    Are you prone to crying? Or maybe you have allergies that leave you with a runny nose? Perhaps you just like to be prepared for any kind of water-related issue and don't like carrying a packet of tissues in your handbag. Whatever the predicament, the crier's best friend will provide you with 24/7 toilet paper for blowing your nose. And it comes in a fashionable head holder.

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  • 14

    Daddy's got milk

    man wearing plastic breasts for breastfeeding baby

    Why should women exclusively experience the joy of breastfeeding? Good news for all the fathers out there. With the "daddy's got milk," fathers can breastfeed their babies with these realistic looking silicone breasts. Just strap on the contraption, fill them with milk, and experience the wonderful pleasure of breastfeeding your child.  

  • 15

    The upright sleeper

    Chin - 11 23 西获室 woman red work helmet attached to train wall

    There's nothing more embarrassing than falling asleep on the train and waking up to find your head on a stranger's shoulder. If this has happened to you one too many times, it's time to get yourself an upright sleeper. This fashionable hat attaches to the wall behind you and holds your head upright as you sleep, so you can spend your valuable time on the train getting some much needed rest.


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