Miscalculation Results In Hilarious Daylight Savings Time Fail

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    Font - TIFU by really, really observing daylight savings time M I'm an idiot. Background: I'm living at my mom's for covid. We live in an isolated area way north of where I used to live. This story doesn't have any real consequences but I am reeling at my own stupidity so I thought l'd let you guys laugh at me, too.
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    Font - On Saturday we talked about daylight savings time. I said, "Is it the good one or the bad one?" My mom said it's the bad one where you have to wake up earlier. I was like, okay, no biggie, l'll set my alarm an hour early. Normally I wake up at 6:30, so I set the alarm manually for 5:30. Separately, I also set my watch ahead an hour. Just absentminded little preparations throughout the day, keeping in mind that everything is an hour behind the hour ahead of it or something like that, I don
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    Font - So now l'm two hours ahead of the day but the clock in the bedroom is one hour ahead of old time (three hours ahead of me!) but when I glance at it throughout the day I'm literally too the discrepancy so I was running around trying to keep track of everything while operating in at least three time zones. I'd only had about four hours of sleep. I was so tired I didn't notice that my watch, bedside clock, and phone all said different times. I was like, wow! I don't remember daylight savings
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    Font - This morning my alarm went off at 4:30 again and as I stood in the dark kitchen trying to muster a single coherent thought it dawned on me that I really fucked up daylight savings time. Wish me luck today as I try to master the concept of time, and align all my timekeeping devices. TL;DR: I can't do math so I set all my clocks to different times trying to observe daylight savings. 4 24.2k 3 721 Share
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    Rectangle - jimmylox • 1d 3 2 Awards "I don't know, I went to art school" Made my day G Reply 4 13.0k ...
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    Font - computer-machine • 21h Once as a kid, DS fell on 1 April, and I set all the clocks an extra hour when nobody was looking. We ended up going for breakfast since we were over an hour early the next day. 6 Reply 98 3 ...
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    Font - zigzampow • 19h Man, this hit home. Every time there's a time change, my wife does this beautiful mind level calculation over how much sleep we get vs how much sleep we think we get and what actual time it will be after we adjust a day from now. And every time she gets it wrong, stays up too late, then oversleeps the next morning. To belabor the phrase, it's like clockwork. G Reply 1 31 ...
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    Rectangle - chemical_sunset · 21h I grew up on the border of two time zones, and my cell phone still switches towers from one to the other when I visit my parents. I literally Google "time" on a regular basis when I visit or just set my phone to not use geolocation to auto-set the time. G Reply 18 5 +


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