I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Copycat Alert: Kyro the Kitten Can’t Help but Copy Everything His Older Brother Does, Witnesses Confirm That It’s Adorable


Anyone who has an older sibling, or even a close cousin, probably went through a phase, or perhaps even a decade, where they were certain that everything their older relative did was the coolest thing in the world, and thus needed to copy. Sure, it must get kind of old, especially for the person constantly getting copied. But they do say that “immitation is the highest form of flattery.” But actually, did you know that that's not even the entire quote? It was said by Oscar Wilde, and the full sentence is, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” Isn't that quite the fun fact? Not sure if it really shifts the meaning very much. But it's surely something new that we now know. So what does that say about all of us copy-ers? Well, perhaps we should remember that being original is perfectly enough.


Today we have an adorable cat combo to share with you. Kyro, the littler kitty had a phase where he constantly copied his older brother. It's not still happening, but we can't help but gush at how cute this footage is. So without further ado…

Let's Watch


Awww, little Kyro doesn't mean to be annoying at all. He clearly just looks up to his bold older brother. Still, the sentiment is so sweet. The video was posted by @leo_king_15  already has reached over 2 million people. People clearly seem to be touched by the video, they demanded a part two, and the creator definitely delivered!


Part 2


We would definitely be okay with @leo_king_15 continuing with additional parts. They are such a team!


Shall we take a look at some of the best comments?


I love when kittens have a sassy walk 😂

This is the cutest thing ever 🥺🥺

she said copy and paste

A copycat 😏

Yeah, but my dog copied my cat when he was a puppy. Now he s 100% a cat, he doesn t behave like a normal dog😂😂😂

I love how he crosses the paw and looks to make sure he got it right!! 🥰🥰

🥺🥺🥺 How do you not just stare at them all day long?? 🥰😻



They truly are two peas in a pod


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