I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories From ICanHasCheezburger Users

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    Packing materials - Mis Chelle I saw Dodger's photo on a local rescues page -- the orange tabby baby had to have eye surgery. I knew that would prevent him from being adopted quickly. About 6 months later I lost my one-eyed cat Peepers. After I moved into my house I got to thinking about that cat with the eye surgery and contacted the rescue. Sure enough, no one had adopted the "less than perfect" cat. So I did, one year after first seeing his photo. Dodger's squinty right eye is the same one Pe

    These "less than perfect" cats are the ones that should be adopted the most in our opinion. We know that most people wouldn't adopt an older cat at all, let alone one who is not perfect. But they need a forever home just as much as anyone else, and a loving family who will treat them as the purrfect cats that they are. 

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    Cat - LaVerne Tolmie I was taking my evening walk one day and I heard this kitten meowing loudly in obvious distress. I found him and there was no Mom nearby. I took him home and the rest is history. He went from a tiny kitten to a huge cat who is about twice the size of my other cat. OD 14 Like · Reply · Message 17h

    One of our favorite things ever is when cats go from tiny to the biggest fluff balls ever. More cat means that we get more cat to love. It's beautiful. Double-handed petting is all the rage with big cats, and you must make sure to use it. This guy looks like he's practically begging for some luuurv.

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    Cat - Lindsay Rachel She was one of my first foster kittens. She came into the shelter alone. No mom, no siblings. She was riddled with parasites and vicious for such a tiny thing when I took her. She blossomed into the sweetest, gentlest lap cat. That was nearly 15 years ago.
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    Carnivore - Ellen Sturmfels-Abel My calico sisters. I adopted the one in the foreground first. Her sister, under the chair, had a different first family. A friend posted their pictures as she was fostering them. They lost their mom before they were weaned. #1 was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand and tops out at 7 pounds. She looks like the calico I had back in high school. Her sister came to me 2 years later after she needed to be rehomed. She tops out at about 12 pounds! They are quite th
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    Carnivore - Margaret Unger I had just moved back to my home country after most of my life elsewhere. My partner was going to come a short time later with our cat. Covid upended all our plans and I was stuck alone for months. In desperation for company! found a cat in an ad who couldn't be kept any longer by his current family because he needed an expensive operation. The vets said he probably wouldn't make it. They tried anyway and after 3 operations, numerous near-death scares and a month at th
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    Font - Top Fan Kat Savio I had an eye appointment at the mall, across the hall was an adoption centre. In the main window was this girl, laying down in the corner sleeping. Of course everyone fussing over all the little puppies and kittens. She's not getting more than a glance. I felt so bad for her. I tried to walk away, I couldn't. She somehow grabbed my heart instantly. I had no intentions of adopting, but I called my husband and said I'm adopting another cat. At 2 years old, she was consider
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    Font - Bridgitt Dickey My beloved pug had died just barely a week before. I'd been wanting a cat but didn't want to bring another animal in with my elderly dog. But once she was gone, it was horrible coming home to an empty house. I went to the rescue event intending to get a two-year old or so male cat, even he wasn't particularly cuddly. The 7 month old female kitten, with me in my profile picture, had other ideas. I saw her sweet little face and I was a goner. She chose me. With that adorable
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    Felidae - Top Fan Rose Sa Had two orange cats, brothers, for many years. One died, so we adopted a beautiful kitten we named Princess Leia. Oddly enough, a month later Carrie Fischer died. A year later the other orange cat died, so we adopted a handsome black kitten we named Han Solo. They are best friends and play together all the time, groom each other, cuddle and argue. 15
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    Font - Robin Yaras Mandelbaum After being catless for a few months (we had a dog) I convinced my husband it was time to adopt 2 cats again. I casually mentioned it to the vet tech on our way out from a visit. Two days later she calls, a litter of 6 kittens was found at our local post office, the mother could not be located, and their mail person brought them to the clinic at about 5 days old. There were 5 boys and 1 girl. I requested the girl and the littlest black kitten. When we arrived later
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    Font - Mel Salazar Horton Had lost our previous cats to old age. When we got to a point we were ready to adopt again, we went to the humane society shelter and asked them, "who has been here the longest?" Came home with one cat who had been given up and another who had never lived outside the shelter. They're both sweeties! 3 Like Reply · Message 20h
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    Organism - Tasha Holt Delotelle Went to Feline Friendz for 2 kittens of 4 in the litter. One other kitten was spoken for. I was worried the last one wouldn't get adopted, so we took 3. How much more trouble would 3 be, right? I can't imagine my life without any one of them now, but being born of a feral momma, they are a lot more wild than the tiny Himalayan I had my 3 wild animals! before them! 4 Like · Reply · Message 21h
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    Font - Lisa Prince Went to the cat rescue after seeing a massive ginger tom online, always wanted one. He was all hissy spitty so the manager said no! Went down the pens and he said have you considered a long hair? I thought about all the maintenance but thought we'd have a look anyway. Took us to another block where the most handsome black and white fluffy thing l'd ever seen jumped straight in my arms - I was smitten Like Reply · Message · 21h
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    Cat - Julie Dean Wingett A few months after losing our previous senior cat, these three kittens were found wandering around the parking lot where my husband works. A few hours later they were home with us. Now, three years later, they're the light of our lives! 4. Like · Reply Message 22h Edited

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