As much as we sh*t-talk men andall the ways they did us wrong, apparently, there are women out there who have also acted liketotal f*ckboys towards the opposite sex, and I am super ashamed of these kinds of women. I mean, how can we expect guys to step up their game if we're setting the bar just as low? A Reddit user asked his fellow Redditors about times where they realized that 'nice' girls weren't actually that nice, and the responses are such a bummer. Come on ladies - get it together and do better! Scroll down for these cringe stories.
Because I've been personally victimized by so many men, I never stopped to think about women who have personally victimized men. You guys, let's just treat each other better, alright? It's really not that hard.
My heart hurts for this poor man. This is probably the cruelest thing I read in the thread. She could have let this dude of easy, but no she had to be a d*ck about it. Gimme her number. I just wanna talk.
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