I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

  • 1
    Dog - One cool doggo

    You've heard of the expression a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, in some very specific cases, a picture is worth three words. One cool doggo pretty much sums it all up right there. Keep doing you, cool doggo.

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  • 2
    Pug - Can I ride shotgun?

    There are few things we love more than shmooshy faced pugs. Their face wrinkles radiate cuteness. When they hit us with the shmooshy face and puppy dog eyes, forget about it. This pug can ride shotgun, ride in the drivers seat, steal my car. I don't even care just keep being adorable.

  • 3
    Joint - t hcknows tnd loves me e Do nol ho oors Do not hold doars Donc n or
  • 4
    Dog - The cutest blep ever TAM
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  • 5
    Dog - After not seeing my dog in 5 months, I skyped with him last night. My mom sent me this after we disconnected:
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    Ear - u/Blackdog3377 Cheesburger joy has been officially immortalized
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    Dog - Now and then, we sit out on the balcony and share a banana. Normally I bring the banana. Today, Samantha took that upon herself...
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  • 8
    Dog - My golden found her rubber pacifier she'd lost as a puppy
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    Glasses - Happy national dog day. That's every day in my house.
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    Clothing - What a difference 1 day can make
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  • 11
    Dog - u/VindexSkripi Just look at this girl.
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    Dog - u/armedwithcamera Tell me the story again about how I was rescued
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    Dog - U/themntnsarecalling wut??
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  • 14
    Dog - u/tnt_for_now Told him to sit and look at the camera and this is what I get

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