As women, we have to put up with a lot of BS. It's basically our part-time job. People underestimate us or assume things based on how we look, speak, talk, and walk. I've literally had men come up to me and say, "OMG you actually have thoughts, that's rad." And no, they were not being sarcastic. Every woman deals with these demeaning comments in different ways, but we can probably all relate to how irritating they can be in real-time.
Also, if any women out there have some advice on how to respond with an excellent comeback to these types of comments, we would love to hear them. Seriously, there must be a way to leave an infuriating interaction with someone feeling better about yourself. Right? We know that some of you are experts at roasting people in real-time so don't be shy. Let's share our tactics on how to effectively remove ourselves from these toxic situations.
It was Reddit user u/hehehesmall that asked women to share the most irritating thing they hear as a woman. I don't know if we should be happy that this thread blew up, I suppose it just reinforces how strong women really are — putting up with all of these ridiculous comments.
I don't think anyone has ever liked to hear this before. If you see a woman, and she's not smiling, why in the world would you ask her to smile. For you? It's certainly not for her...
Anyone who does this, stop it right now. It's creepy.
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