Sharing Your Bed With A Dog: A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Thread)

  • 01
    Smile - A Posted by u/Zhaefari 18 days ago 12 S4 2 2.4k My Dog Kicked Me Off The Bed And Has No Remorse (Fluff)
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  • 02
    Font - I let my dog sleep in bed with me as he's warm, loves to snuggle, and it brings me comfort. Normally it's fine and he will stay on his section of the bed all night. Well it is 04:30 and my dog literally KICKED me off the bed. He got one of his back paws and repeatedly kicked me until I moved, then he would readjust and kick some more until I got completely out of bed. Then you know what this dog did? Laid his head on my pillow and went back to sleep, happy as a clam. Dogs are great.
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  • 04
    Human body - vivichase · 18d As the owner of an American Eskimo with black sheets and a dark wardrobe, it's going to hurt when the day comes and my apartment doesn't look like freshly fallen snow on Christmas morning.
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  • 05
    Art - sparkplug86 - 18d My dog always sleeps at my feet on the bed, but when I've had an especially hard day, he likes to be by my head. He lays across the top and puts an arm over me. It's suffocating but I know what he's trying to do. We don't deserve dogs.
  • 06
    Handwriting - plantperson117 · 18d I have a queen bed, a 25lb dog, a 12lb dog, and another adult human in my bed. The 12lb dog, for some reason, likes to be near edges. One night I got too warm and needed to remove the comforter from on top of me and I didn't realize he was right there next to me right on the edge.I ended up tossing him off the bed as I tossed up the comforter I felt so bad and I immediately scooped him back up onto the bed, lol.
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    Handwriting - causticwonder · 18d I have a king bed and a 15 pound dog. The amount of mornings Ive woken up dangling off the edge with him spread out, feet pushing me, hogging all the pillows somehow. is too high.
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  • 08
    Font - Talory09 · 18d I have a king bed, a 30-pound dog, and a seven-pound cat. I woke up the other morning on the extreme edge of the bed, just on it enough to not fall off, and both animals were in the center of the bed curled up together.
  • 09
    Font - Throwaway103819 - 18d My 3lb 9 yr old chihuahua being prime example. She has seriously pushed my off the bed before. I'm almost 100x her
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    Human body - DunkingDognuts - 18d · edited 18d A dog, regardless of size, will expand to fill any and all space on a bed. • First rule of sleeping with dogs.
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    Font - mewdebbie61 · 18d I said also I would never let my dogs sleep with me And y'all can kind of guess where that went! I have a shedding-fool corgi and a rat terrier pit mix I sleep alone in a king size bed and I still have no room! As for sleeping diagonal I read that they sleep north to south and both of my dogs sleep that way. I do put a sheet over the top of my bed at night and then shake it so I don't have fur everywhere and they are not allowed on the bed after I make it. But I wouldn't
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    Human body - grokethedoge · 18d I have a dog that is too small to kick me off the bed. But she's big enough to kick me in the boob hard enough to leave a bruise. Not my proudest moment. Dogs are indeed great.
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    Font - Jezon · 18d Sheba: Siberian Husky/German Shepard Yeah my dog has gone incontinent so the bedroom smells horrible. Dog pre smells 100 times worse than human pee. I try to put down those dog pads and/or diapers but they only catch so much.
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    Font - Large-Calligrapher98 · 18d I had a terripoo my first dog for 16 years. My daughter got her for me when she started her senior year in high school since she would be going out of state for college and wanted me to hsve more active company than the cats and ferrets. Bailey was Gray/brown/black and I swear made shedding an Olympic sport no matter how often she was clipped! No matter what color or print my sheets were she left her signature. I didn't sleep more than naps for two months after
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