Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
Chuck is the ultimate fuckboy. The lack of supervision, void of morals, and too much free time, leave him prime for the position. His frustration in his life and anger for his upbringing, fuels and justifies - at least in his own mind - the contempt with which he treats women. He is mature and intelligent, so he can get away with a lot of what he does, but like most fuckboys, his behavior eventually does catch up to him leaving him in trouble.
Archie Andrews (Riverdale)
Archie Andrews is a workout obsessed stud, who eventually gets caught up in the whirlwind of women he is sleeping with. He treats most of the women he is with rather well, but at the same time he just can't keep his hands off the next prospect. He always seems to have more pressing concerns on his mind than the woman he is with and seems to have little restraint when a woman makes an advance on him… which seems to happen quite frequently. Archie also seems particularly keen on dating the it girl as is evidenced by his sleeping with Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, and more.
Schmidt (New Girl)
While Schmidt eventually finds true love and gets his priorities in order, he was originally a sex-crazed deviant. He lived in a loft with his childhood buddies and had a constant desire to get drunk and date women. He works in an office run by women and spends his money on tailored suits that are meant to impress them. Before settling down with Cece, he dated two girls at the same time without telling them about each other because he couldn't make up his mind which one he wanted to be with more. Rather than ending the charade, he pushed it, letting the game play out until he got caught.
Joey Quinn (Dexter)
Joey Quinn is a dirty cop and a dirty dog. Woof woof! He starts sleeping with his colleague Dexter's sister, which aside from being a somehwat sleaxy thing, is a bit reckless considering Dexter is a certified serial killer. Joey thrives at being a fuckboy for various reasons. He is a smooth talker, slick dresser, and drives a flashy car, but the main thing that helps his venture is the sheer fact that he lives in the heart of Miami, essentially the birthing ground of fuckboyism. Fuckboys thrive in Miami because the lifestyle entails approaching life as if you are on a constant vacation which is precisely what life in the 305 is like.
Drake (Drake & Josh)
Drake is essentially the face of the phrase "Chicks over D*cks." He is always eager to ditch his brother Josh if it means he can get some tail. He lures women in by playing songs on his guitar and then is ready to discard them just as quickly. He goes for girls based solely on their physical appearance and doesn't have the desire to form an emotional connection with them.
Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)
Barney is a blaring fuckboy, most obviously evidenced by his carefully thought-out pick-up routines. Unlike people who pursue individuals on an individual basis, Barney has pioneered a method for mass efficiency. He executes moves that are meant to work on essentially anyone and everyone he tries it on, aiming to sleep with as many different women as possible. He's also a cutthroat businessman that spends his days scouting NYC bars, which is always a lethal combination for fuckboyhood.
Puck (Glee)
Puck redeems himself in the show at times by standing up for the occasional outsider or wheeling Archie around school in his wheelchair, but ultimately he is just obsessed with sex and sleeping with as many women as possible. Outside of sleeping with other peoples' girlfriends, Puck's most commendable action as a fuckboy is his setting up a pool cleaning service that allows him to finesse his way into sleeping with the women whose houses he is cleaning while still getting paid.
Ryan (The Office)
Ryan is perhaps the best example of a fuckboy on TV. Throughout the series, he is just so determined to pretend and be something that he in fact is not. He pursues Kelly (Mindy Khaling) in the office relentlessly, but as soon as he is not feeling her vibe for even a moment, he decides to end things abruptly. Conversely, as soon as he finds out Kelly is no longer into him, he needs nothing more than for her to be his. Ultimately, he is disingenuous, doing things he thinks will make him cool, rather than what he actually wants.
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