People are only allowed to have one of two opinions on puns. You are allowed to love a pun more than life itself. You are also allowed to hate a pun more than life itself. Any person who says they love all puns has without a doubt, not heard all of them. And no person's pun opinion, or "opunion" if you will (don't) is going to be perfectly universal. It's just one of those things that no one can agree on. Every pun is different.
It's kind of weird how puns seem to inhabit both the highest and lowest echelons of humor. Some make us giddy with delight. Others make us want to lock ourselves in a closet and just scream. In a sense, they're sort of like alligators. They've been around forever, and regardless of your opinion, they're not making too many indications of going away any time soon. Here are some sign jokes.
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