When most of us see a mom taking care of her toddlers we think "that's difficult, maybe I should be patient." But these folks saw it and thought "perfect, an opportunity to jump literally one space ahead in line."
Reddit user u/LiminaNinja posted to the r/MaliciousCompliance community to share her tale of crossing international borders while traveling from Germany to Serbia for the winter holidays. The user shared that a long wait at the Hungarian border was made complicated; while she was paying attention to her three small children, multiple cars took an opportunity to cut her in line. Now, normally cutting lines is a soft no-no; it's not polite, but people don't often start a confrontation over it. But this was a secure border crossing area: cutting the line is never allowed, and border patrols and customs officers take those rules seriously.
The original poster notes that the three cars who cut her got caught when they tried to do something similar again and were pulled aside by customs after crossing the border. It must have felt good to continue on a stressful journey and know that for once, people who behaved poorly were given a dose of instant karma.
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