I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Born Different: Beautiful Animals With Unique Mutations

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    "This is Atticus. Born with one paw missing and a deformed paw but he’s so prefect! Happy little man"

    Dog - Mest

    Awww, hello Atticus! Is it just us, or does Atticus look like the bestest boy ever with his cute smol paws and one special paw? It's not just us, everyone definitely agrees on this. Congratulations Atticus, you just won the bestest boy award. Don't rub it in the other doggos faces, they're going to be very jealous.

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    Meet Midas, A Kitten With 4 Ears


    Wow, imagine how good Midas' hearing must be! Or purrrhaps those tiny ears inside of Midas' ears are merely ornamental. It's moments like these that we give thanks to the universe for being such a beautiful and diverse place. Who would have known we would ever see a cat as unique as this one? Such a beautiful and unique kitty!

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    A Four Legged Duckling

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    The Cutest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ever

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    Just A Little Lamb With Many Limbs

    Dog breed
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    Meet Misty!

    Cat - B Brown @B_Brown77 We adopted Misty two years ago. Sadly, she was born with three toes missing on one of her back feet and this means that she has to balance her weight on her one good toe, but she never lets this hold her back, bless her. #CatsOf Twitter #cats #rescuecat
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    "My mutant cat displaying some of his 26 toes is my gift to you"

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    "Dood, who has 2 to 3 extra toes on each foot, is taller and heavier than the other 3 cats, also has whiskers at the corners of his mouth."

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    I Can Has 3 Ears?


    So this cat is technically staring into a mirror, which means he has one ear too many. 

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    "Thought you guys might enjoy this! My cat, Medusa, has a lobster paw that I'm in love with."

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    This Crab's Claw Also Has A Claw

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    A Cat With Extra Toe Beans To Love


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