I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Tiny Ginger Kitten Rescued After Hiding for Several Days Under a Family’s Deck in the Countryside


You can say a lot about social media. It has surely done a lot of harm, and it's probably not healthy to know or let people know what you're doing at any given moment in the day. It's also just really difficult to not constantly compare yourself to other people on the apps. I mean, how can you not? You're probably following people somewhere in your age range and it's natural to do a little comparison over where you are in your life vs them. But is it healthy in excess? Probably not.


Social media is definitely not always the best place to be, but when it comes to animal rescue it has saved a lot of time. Before social media, if you found a sweet little kitty by your home and you didn't have the finances to take care of them yourself you would have to depend on word-of-mouth and asking around until you found them a forever home. Nowadays you can just post a little story on Instagram, type out a Facebook post, or even make a little TikTok, and things move a whole lot quicker.


This tiny kitty was hiding out under a family's deck, and TikTok user @hayley_hewitt uploaded a little video about finding them.


Let's Watch


Look at how sweet their little face is. The video has been over over 70k times and people definitely had a lot to say in the comments.


Let's take a look at some of the best:


he has a new mum now😁🥰🥰

I look in my garden for kittens every day and I never find any!

I can't believe how many ppl randomly find kittens here on tiktok.

Why can’t this happen to me !

Oh she grew a kitten in her garden. 😊

Sweet little voice!



People also demanded an update, and Hayley made sure to deliver.


A lil update


It seems Hayley's goal is to find this sweet kitty a forever home, we're sure it'll happen soon enough.


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