I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

21 Tuxedo Cats Full Of Love To Give

  • 1

    "Gelly prides himself on being a silly goose"


    Aww, look at gelly the cat, he's paw-sitively  awwdorable! While we really have no idea why he would pose in such an odd way, we're loving the chaotic energy of this pawsome pose, such a kitty doing cute feline things! Although we must say, his black blazer is a tiny bit too tiny for his smol round frame.

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  • 2

    "Clovers has a new window perch & is loving it!"

    Cat - Mae

    Happy winter Clover! We wonder what Clover has planned for Christmas, she's such a chonky cutie pie! If we were clover, we would sleep camped out over the fireplace, both for warmth, and so we could spot Santa Claus and demand belly rubs from him. Keep on being pawsome clover, you absolutely rock!

  • 3

    "My sweet boy is growing up so fast"

  • 4

    "Mulder has two settings and they’re both cute."

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  • 5

    "Our beautiful little foster girl Assam who's been with us for TWO WHOLE WEEKS without an adoption application"

  • 6

    "Wandered into the carpark complex, skinny and weak. Named him Batman, treating his ringworm, fattening him up, to prep for him for neutering. Feral boy, ripped up the hands twice, but will persevere and probably use a trap next round."

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  • 7

    "Sunday funday"

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  • 8

    "Christmas tuxedo"

  • 9

    "This is my tuxedo Maine Coon mix Jeeves"

  • 10

    "Does anyone else’s cat always find a way to snuggle with you?"

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    "My Ashy boy"

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  • 14

    Smol kitten being smol.

  • 15

    "Mew is holding a food sale. He will trade food for pets"

    Cat - MARK Facts
  • 16

    "This is Tux, my lap warmer at work! He’s a sweet lil boy that showed up at my workplace!"

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  • 17

    "After a morning’s work of supervising the wildlife from the window; Saruman begins his second shift of the day (where he supervises the bedroom from his hammock)… being a House Panther is definitely a full time job"

  • 18

    "Monty’s my little butler in the mornings, following me around and constantly asking if I need anything. Do your tuxies follow you around the house?"

  • 19

    "When grandma keeps saying *pspspspspsps* but you only understand kissy noises"

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  • 20

    "Dexter loves shiny things"

  • 21

    "Parmesan is looking mighty handsome and plump this evening"


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