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Parents Enraged After Adult Daughter Prioritizes Her Dog's Surgery Over Theirs: Reddit Thread

  • 1
    Font - AITA for paying for my dogs surgery but not my mothers?

    Oof, we're going to have to read until the end because the title really makes this whole story sound super dramatic. We're curious to read the whole story, but there must be some kind of explanation for this. Maybe the mom had people to cover her surgery or the dog's surgery was significantly cheaper? Either way, the dog is her responsibility, so it makes sense to pay for him, no one else will!

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  • 2
    Font - I (f23) was raised by 2 parents who believe that being a parent ends once the child turns 18. The moment I turned 18 I was forced to pay rent and for all other costs associated with my survival if you will. I ended up moving out until I graduated high school and moved in my college dorm. Me and my parents have monthly contact but nothing deep or below surface level.

    Oh no, the original poster should tell her parents how upsetting that was for her and how she still resents them for doing that! It sounds like this awful behavior put a huge rift between them, hopefully they can find a way to repair their relationship one way or another!

  • 3
    Font - My mother has a mass that needs to be removed and I believe is cancerous. My parents have good health insurance but will still have significant out of pocket costs. My father called me and told me that they needed help with money, the whole 'she's your mother and would do the same for you' talk. I did want to help but told him that I didn't have the money readily available, only in my savings so I didn't end up contributing and they got a loan I believe.
  • 4
    Font - Last week, my dog needed surgery to remove a foreign body she swallowed. It happened so fast I ended up using a large chunk of my savings to pay for it. My father found out and called me awful names, and said I'd rather my mother die/be in debt and put an animals life over my own mother. I didn't agree and have been ignoring his calls since, but other family members are messaging me because they think I don't care it my mother lives or dies.
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  • 5
    Font - Full_Worldliness1480 NTA Your dog is your dependent. Your parents are not. While I'm all about supporting family these people effectively raised you until 18 and then waved you off. They did the bare minimum, and I don't know why they're expecting more from you tbh.
  • 6
    Font - ACanadianSnack This. This right here. You made a promise to take care of your pet. Your parents made a similar one when they decided to be parents but then they reneged on it. You are under no obligation to pay for the surgery of someone who didn't even care about you enough to make sure you would be successful while transitioning to adulthood.
  • 7
    Font - Nt_A_Chnc This! NTA. it sounds like your parents are spinning it to all the family members. Maybe do a group text? That's only if you want to respond. I personally would be like, "screw you guys! You really think I would let my mother die? What kind of person do you think I am? Screw you for thinking I have that kind of person." Your mother had health insurance and your parents got by. They were not exactly destitute and they aren't now.
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  • 8
    Font - CaliforniaJade Your saving is there for your emergencies, not your parents. Who kicks out their 18 year high school student before they even graduate? I thought that wasn't legal. And where was that, "she's your mother and would do the same for you" when you were starting out? Had you wiped out your saving for you mom, I doubt they would have helped out when you needed money for your dog. NTA
  • 9
    Font - ElkBig9945 OP technically I left, so I legally would've been a runaway or something? I think it is illegal though.
  • 10
    Font - honey-smile NTA. The animal that can't take care of itself, that you've committed to caring for, always wins out over the mother who only took care of you as long as was legally necessary and at her age should have the money saved to cover her max OOP for the year. And even if you didn't have a dog, there's no shame about prioritizing your financial well-being! Don't feel guilty at all.
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  • 11
    Font - AdministrationThis77 NTA. The real AH is a healthcare system that bankrupts people who just want to be alive but your parents made it clear that you were no longer "our child" once you legally became an adult. They can't have it both ways. I hope your dog is ok!
  • 12
    Font - hdmx539 NTA. Surgeries for dogs are considerably cheaper, and dogs are considerably more loyal than your parents ever were to you. They did the bare minimum and kicked you out once they were no longer legally required to care for you. Don't feel guilty about this. They formed the relationship you now have with them. They did this to themselves.

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