I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Funny Squirrel Photos: Squirrels Who Did Crimes and Got Caught

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    Shoplifting Squirrel

    Shoe - Shoplifting squirrel steals in Disney World

    This squirrel was discovered lounging in a bin of candy at a store in Disney World. When he saw people trying to apprehend him, he grabbed what he could carry and got the heck out of dodge! When the dust cleared, that store was short some peanut M&Ms, and the squirrel had himself a feast.

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    Squirrel Gets Drunk

    Photograph - Drunk squirrel thrown out of bar

    The Honeybourne Railway Pub in the UK discovered they'd been vandalized one day by a rapscallion squirrel who broke into their stash of alcohol and turned on their taps, then drank until he wasn't seeing straight. He also got into the cash register and broke a lot of glass before he was thrown outside to sober up.

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    Squirrel Under Arrest

    Clothing - Squirrel arrested for stalking POLIZEI

     A woman in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany called the police on this little guy when he wouldn't stop following her around. Maybe he was in love, or maybe she just had nuts in her bag--whatever the reason, the police came and arrested him for stalking! Luckily, they weren't too hard on him--they noticed he was very tired and gave him some honey to make him feel better.

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    Squirrel Breaks In And Gets Stuck

    Vertebrate - Animal rescuer helps free squirrel from birdcage. RSPCA It was uninjured. except for maybe a bruised ego. INSIDE

    This squirrel thought he'd partake of a feast of nuts in a bird feeder and was instantly hit by karma. He ate so much that he got too bloated to get back out of the cage! Animal services was called to cut him out of the cage, which they did without hurting him…except maybe his feelings, as they were laughing at his mistake the whole time.

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    Squirrel Chooses Violence

    Dog - WCGW challenging a squirrel

    In this video we see why you should never challenge a squirrel to a duel. This squirrel was trying to get ahold of the video poster's food, so he holds up a spoon and tells the squirrel "I'll fight you for it!" Bad idea. The squirrel obliges…

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    Squirrel Chooses Violence

    Font - WCGW challenging a squirrel

    …And throws itself at the man before he knows what's happening!

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    Begging for Nuts

    Plant - We fed our backyard squirrel ONCE. meet Frankie at our backyard door waiting for more nuts.
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    Politely Demanding Water

    Dog - Squirrel Asking For Water!
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    Squirrel Hid in a Christmas Tree

    Eye - when the christmas tree farm doesn't shake the tree well enough before tying it, you get happy little surprises OJENWYSMITHOSO
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    Trying to Steal a Bike

    Bicycle - CAUGHT RED HANDED!!! (Squirrel alert) In case anyone missed squirrels!
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    "Squirrel Proofing" Doesn't Work

    Wood - So my wife bought a "squirrel-proof" bird feeder... i.imgur.com/eQApua. C
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    Not a Squirrel

    Rectangle - BOOK RETURN NOTICE! Please yell "NOT A SQUIRREL" when opening book drop so we know you are a human and not a squirrel trying to steal Keith's lunch Library goals


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