Woman Adopts Young Puppy And Ignores Her Senior Dog: Reddit Weighs In

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    Smile - I (F45) got a new dog almost five months ago. She's very young and energetic, nothing like my older dog who doesn't do much anymore.
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    Font - My daughter who's 18 was kind of excited when we were looking at dogs to adopt but seemingly hates Bean (our puppy). She works with animals and is very attached to my older dog Bailey who's thirteen almost fourteen. We
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    Font - got Bailey when my daughter was younger and she spent the most time with Bailey when she lived with me. She lives with her father full time since I moved away but still visits from time to time, she says it's mostly for her "sweet old lady". Bailey has been attacked by other dogs a few times and doesn't like other animals much but I think she's warming up to Bean.
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    Font - When we got the puppy and she started getting more energy she pulled out my daughters septum ring so hard it tore her septum and my husband had to cut the ring out but we've had conversations about her not being on the floor anymore. She's hated Bean ever since. We got into an argument
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  • 05
    Font - earlier and she screamed saying I'm a horrible person for not only what I did to her (separate thing)but for what I did to Bailey and that I'm an asshole for getting a puppy to replace Bailey just because she's old and if I wanted a new dog I should've waited and not made her miserable. I don't think I did anything wrong and she's probably just being dramatic but I'm going to ask anyway AITA?
  • 06
    Font - (Edit: people kept asking about the separate thing. It's not accurate but I'll tell you all anyway. My daughter and I go to therapy because she thinks I "abandoned" her. When her father and I divorced I lost my job and was very depressed so I went no contact with her for a few years. When I was in a stable
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    Font - for a few years. When I was in a stable relationship and had somewhere to live I brought her and my son to stay with me, my husband and my stepchildren. My son and my step kids caught on like a house on fire but she has always resented me. She never takes into account how my mental health was and that it's wasn't a fun vacation away from her but I wasn't in a good place)
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  • 08
    Font - EzHedgehog · 4d ago Supreme Court Just-ass [102] I'm a horrible person for not only what I did to her (separate thing) YTA for leaving out half the story and expecting us to judge. 93 Reply Share ...
  • 09
    Font - genus-corvidae · 4d ago · edited 4d ago Asshole Aficionado [15] YTA for calling your daughter "dramatic" because she doesn't like the puppy that you're refusing to train properly even after it hurt your daughter. ETA: hey OP, you know that you can't go no contact with a child, right? You understand that if you're going no contact with someone who depends on you, that's just abandoning? She is absolutely right about what you did to her--you abandoned her, moved states away from her, and st
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    Font - SinisterSpektre · 4d ago · edited 3d ago Partassipant [1] Wait, wait, wait. What's this "separate thing?" Aside from your new dog mutilating your daughter's face (and your apparent trivialization of the matter because that sounds horrific), this whole thing doesn't even sound like it's about the dog EDIT: So you abandoned your child. I knew this wasn't about the dog. You don't just go NC with your family and abandon them for years because you're having a rough time. You turned your own da
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  • 11
    Font - Niarah · 4d ago Asshole Enthusiast [7] YTA for bringing a puppy into a home where your older dog doesn't like and is afraid of other dogs. "I think she's warming up to Bean" after 5 whole months? Poor Bailey 38 Reply Share
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    Font - AllKindsOfCritters · 4d ago edited 4d agO Asshole Enthusiast [6] From this post alone, all I can say is "not enough info" because you're clearly holding back in an attempt to sound somewhere in between a victim and "aren't I a good person for giving another dog a good home." But from what I can deduce from this, YTA. You don't get another pet when you have an elderly one who doesn't get along with other animals, and you sure made it clear the puppy is Bailey's replacement. The f*ckin' edi


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