
Serial Wallet-Forgetter Faces Consequences of Her Own Actions, Throws Tantrum


“AITA for bringing my SIL’s wallet to the restaurant when she conveniently always forgets it?” Posted by u/Slow-Pianist-4431

The comment section

“Yeah. The most expensive place id take her is taco bell. They have a value menu for her.” said u/primeirofilho.

“This. Honestly I would have asked for separate checks and paid for my own food. Don't have your wallet? I don't know, call your brother and see if he can bring your wallet.” said u/ladysaraii.

“This as a permanent solution to any meals out with her, don’t invite her again, don’t accept her reservations” said u/Kephri1337.

“Wish I thought of that” said OP.

“Personally, I like the way you did it better. I wish I could have seen her face when she saw the wallet.” said u/lotus_eater123.

“Hit ‘em with the 2-1 punch. ‘I forgot my wallet because I accidentally grabbed this other one I found lying about. Is it yours?’” said u/TheRestForTheWicked.

“Oh, I thought this was my wallet. Oops!” said u/lotus_eater123.

"Don't worry, Amy--you get this one, and I'll pay you back." said u/Senator_Bink.

“They’ve bullied and manipulated him like this his whole life. He’s gotten so used to it that he doesn’t see the bigger issue. Old habits die hard. Trying to help him stand up for himself, but it’s an uphill battle.” said u/Slow-Pianist-4431.

“Fish don't realize they're wet until they get onto land. You need to pluck your hubby from that toxic pond.” said u/gaynazifurry4bernie.

“This is a weird analogy, since taking a fish out of water would probably end up killing it.” said u/zacharee1.

“This! It’s the same principle with dates, the person who asks chooses the restaurant (ideally with the other person in mind) and then pays the bill. NTA Clarification: I worded this kind of poorly, this is my own approach to dates, but whatever works for you and the people the you date is cool!” said u/high_on_acrylic.

Read the original thread here.


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