After a Wrong Turn, Touring Band Ends up Rescuing an Abandoned Senior Dog and Small Puppy, Finds Their Furever Home a Few Miles Later


When you are a band on the road touring, getting lost is one of the biggest nightmares. Not only because who knows what kind of dangers lay ahead, but also because it can sorely through you off schedule potentially even causing you to miss a gig. However, sometimes getting lost puts you on a path that ends up feeling like fate. That is what happened to the touring bands The Harp Twins and Vølfgang Twins


The touring bands took a wrong turn that had them going down a road surrounded with nothing but farmlands. It was a blistering hot day with nothing but hot asphalt and agriculture fields ahead of them. So when they saw two dumped dogs, and old man and a puppy girl, walking alone and looking for help they of course had to stop. By complete accident, they were in the right place at the right time and ended up saving these fur babies from an awful fate. 

“While on tour we took a wrong turn and happened upon two dogs abandoned on the highway. Cars and trucks were narrowly missing them. Look at the old dog's tail wag the second he spotted us stopping for them! They were following the road trying to follow the scumbag who dumped them. It was an old male and a female puppy. They were extremely dehydrated and exhausted—no water or shade in sight. After looking to every passing car for help the sweet doggies were so excited that someone actually stopped. They knew we were friends. At first we thought they were lost farm dogs. They were so hot and smelly, but had huge doggo smiles. He wasn't blind, just had beautiful yellow eyes! We decided to take them to the nearest farm to look for help. The poor black puppy had been soaking up heat from the sun. Their paws must've been burning from walking on the hot asphalt. 

We saw a car coming from the nearest farm. We flagged down the car and talked to two women who knew the area. They were certain the dogs had been dumped. So we called any animal shelter or rescue within 100 miles but everyone was closed because of the holiday weekend. So we drove until we found the next farm. We found a friendly old farmer in his fields. He didn't know the dogs, but by some miracle, said they were ‘just what he was looking for,’ and that his own old dog was ‘lonely.’ He told us to follow him to his farmhouse. The old dog was too tired, so the guys had to carry him. The farmer happened to have a fenced-in oasis. After water and some biscuits from the farmer, the greeted their new doggo friend with tail wags and settled in for some much needed rest. Home! 

The smiles on the sweet doggos' faces was like nothing else. God bless this farmer for opening his heart and home. We said our goodbyes and headed back on the road. It made our hearts smile to know that we saved these two sweet dogs from an awful fate in the dry, hot grasslands, and that by some miracle there were just what the farmer was looking for. Sometimes the ‘wrong’ road is actually right where you need to be."


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