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Lonely, Abandoned Dog Learns To Focus Excitement Into Play Through Training and Love

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    Apart from being known as "endearing in his own way," Cousin Greg is immediately identified by his obsession with all types of doggie toys, from knotted ropes to plush animals to generic tennis balls. His passion does sometimes turn into consumption as he is known to have purged a squeaker from a toy on more than one occasion. Though, Cousin Greg is now learning about the boundaries of play to better assimilate with the new friends he's meeting.

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    "Playing is one thing, but dogs need to learn the rules of the game and with whom they're playing as they tend to make up their own rules," explained SPCA senior trainer and behavior manager Jackie Laubacher.

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    Cousin Greg is adamant about playing with multiple toys and hoarding his things. Yet, his trainer is quickly changing that by showing him that he does have the capacity to slow down. "I tell him, 'we're not having that,'" she said. Jackie has been working with him extensively to share by exchanging jaw-gripped toys for treats to learn and be rewarded for his good behavior.

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    Richmond SPCA Communications Director Tabitha Treloar added that the training policy of the center is "positive reinforcement." Because a reward makes a dog more likely to repeat a behavior, positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful tools in assisting the rehabilitation of a dog's demeanor.

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    That type of training is helping, in Jackie's words, Cousin Greg in his quest of "learning just how to 'dog.'" She explained that his behavioral training regimen is set on "adding a whole new dimension by adding humans." As a dog who's been alone for a lot of his life, he's learned how to play with himself. He hasn't had the opportunity to know how to share toys or greet other dogs and humans without bowling them over with excitement.

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    Jackie expressed that Cousin Greg is also "learning to take treats nicely because he will ingest your entire hand if you do not get it to him fast." It's also "putting guardrails on natural instincts," like unwanted jumping on humans and other dogs. Nevertheless, Cousin Greg has come a long way in letting his boisterous personality dominate his surroundings. 

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    Jackie said that he's showing great leaps in his ability to have great focus and "getting to understand to be a bit more patient." He can now sit with a treat just inches from his face in Jackie's hand for at least 30 seconds before she gives Cousin Greg the go-ahead to chomp. 

    "Will he handicap himself enough to mirror the dog he's playing with?" Jackie opined. "That's key."

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    When asked about a human comparison, Jackie said Cousin Greg is a "football player…with one goal in mind." Like competitors on the gridiron, this pup packs a punch, especially when he's scampering about at full speed to snatch a treat, a toy, or to run to see a new friend, often knocking down who he's meeting out of excitement and curiosity.

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    Even though Cousin Greg may have more pent-up play potency than many others around him, he's still a romantically clumsy, cuddly marshmallow at heart that loves to sit and have attention poured over him. When he's not galloping through the training facility, Cousin Greg loves pressing his face up against the kennel door to have his nose scratched. All he is looking for in his new family is to have a place where he can become best buds with his doggie parents and a positive environment to be calm.

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