We've all experienced embarrassing moments that were so bad they'll stick with us for life. Other people likely don't even remember our worst moments because they're too busy reliving their own, but we just can't stop replaying them in our heads. We just need to remember that even the people we perceive to be super cool and put together have moments that make them look like complete fools. Heck, we would honestly define ourselves as the cool girls of the office, but that's because no one has been there for our most embarrassing moments of all time. The only people that know the truth are our closest friends, and that's probably because they were there to witness them. Twitter user @Sonic_Screwup tweeted about her most recent embarrassing moment where she stuck her hand into what she thought was a box of free samples of chicken, but quickly realized she had stuck her hand in a random man's chicken box. It looked like she was trying to steal his chicken, and the worst part was that he didn't even speak English so she couldn't justify her chicken-stealing actions. People eagerly responded to her original tweet with their own mortifying moments that they are likely to never recover from, and they're hysterical!
This tweet was so well-written that we felt like we were living this embarrassing moment with Sophie.
We've all been there, Soph.
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