Cats have a habit of minding their own business and doing their own thing, they can be seen marching to the beats of their own drums in their homes and occasionally around the neighborhood. r/AskReddit is an excellent source of entertainment if you have got a minute or two to spare, in this space the most random question is posed and Redditors pour in to answer. The question in question today: "Have you ever bumped into your cat outside of your house in the neighborhood? How was the interaction?" Let's get some reactions, y'all.
After doing some research and further developing our theory that cats are secretly evil geniuses, we discovered that this actually happens quite often. Who knew? The cats did, they always have. Reddit users everywhere chimed in to share their own hilarious instances of their finding cats outside of their houses strolling around the neighborhood. Pure hilarity ensued.
"Have you ever bumped into your cat outside of your house in the neighborhood? How was the interaction?"
Well? Have you?
Wait, wut.
"We had a cat that always came over to our place that we fed. She was the friendliest cat, as long as she was within the bounds of our property. As soon as she left the edge of our driveway though, she would run away from you if you tried to approach her. Not sure why being outside of our lawn caused a 180 degree personality shift, but that's the way she was."
That's just how she was.
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