This woman's mom still hasn't accepted the fact that her daughter isn't married to a doctor. And apparently she takes every chance she gets to tell this guy that he's not a perfect, wonderful rich doctor. It was obvious that she needed to get her priorities straight, so this guy fired back a nice insult that straightened them out for her. Now that's a nice slam dunk akin to this brother who decimated his brother with a sick burn at his wedding.
In the end, people pointed out the obvious. Particularly, that this woman never should have tolerated her mom being a complete bag to her husband, and the fact that it got like this in the first place is sort of her fault, thus earning her, OP, the title of asshole.
For some more out of control in-laws, here's the mother-in-law who announced a couple's pregnancy before they themselves told anyone and then refused to delete it.
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