
Guy Ghosts Date Then Gets Mad When She Doesn’t Play His Weird Games

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  • 1
    Font - I was dating this guy and left one of my rings at his house. He ended up ghosting me after we slept together that night. I accepted it for what it was and just asked to pick up my ring but he offered to drop it off. I told him I was already out and could stop by to pick it up or if he wanted, he could leave it by my front door. He just said he'd give it to me "eventually".
  • 2
    Organism - Two weeks passed and I heard nothing from him so I gave up and just bought a new (identical) ring. He texted me a few days after asking when he could come by to drop my ring off and said he waited so long because it would've been "too painful" for him to see me. Mind you, he's the one that ghosted me and I gave him the option to leave it on my porch so || he wouldn't have even had to see me...
  • 3
    Font - I told him I bought a new ring so he could throw it out/give it to one of his friends/sell it. He BLEW UP on me. Said he can't believe how I claim to be sentimental yet replaced something so quickly and berated me saying this is why I'm single, it's because I replace people the same way I replaced my ring... this continued on and he said I can't just get a new ring and have the "same memories" that the old one gave me... don't get me wrong, I love my rings and they do mean a lot to me but
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  • 4
    Font - likeahike • 1d Colo-rectal Surgeon [34] 5 Awards NTA, he used the ring as an excuse to see you again, maybe hoping you'd have missed him. You buying a new ring is a blow to his ego, you didn't miss him or need him for anything. His reaction has nothing to do with the actual ring and more with his 'nice guy' persona. He can reject you, but how dare you reject him. G Reply 4 2.6k 3 ...

    "Omg this makes so much sense. Thanks for the reply!" Said OP. 

    "I agree, he was playing silly games with you. He wanted you to chase him after he ghosted you." u/ResponseMountain6580 said.

  • 5
    Font - ConferenceDecent4222 · 1d Asshole Enthusiast [6] NTA At worst this guy is straight up a looney, at best he's manipulative. I'm going with manipulation, though. He's tryna mind-fuck ya. He ghosted you, possibly for someone else and things fell through or changed his mind for whatever reason. Instead of being an adult and owning up to it, he's pulled the "I'm the real victim" card. Oh poor me, pity me, seeing you would just be too painful. He wants to confuse you and make you feel guilty li

    OP replied, "I think you nailed it. This makes so much more sense. Thank you so much, I was genuinely starting to question what I did to supposedly hurt him so much when I didn't think I did anything wrong. Thank you again!"

    "There's three main channels manipulators use. Pity, charm, rage. He's already been through pity and rage. Might try to hit with you the charm next. You were right in just wanting to move on. Dodging a MASSIVE bullet with this guy. Good luck!" u/ConferenceDecent4222 said.

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