Uh Oh, This Isn't Starting Well
Right off the bat, you can tell that this lady is going to out herself as being an asshole. The red tag you see on the post was added afterwards when moderators realized that everyone had come to a consensus decision. Still, when have you ever heard someone say something helpless or kind after saying that they'd rather avoid being identified?
Wow, This Lady Sounds Awful
There's a lot of vagueness about what apparently happened on this plane. The woman could've been put in the hospital by the dog, but the airline wasn't aware of it? It's a small plane for a short distance, but there's another flight two hours later? Also, how is her having paid for the vacation any different than the other woman paying for her own flight? Something just doesn't add up here.
You Must Be A Joy To Be Around
The Badger Came With Receipts
Why Not Just Be Nice?
It's A Hard YTA From Us
Asked For Info, Got The Info
Why Did She Even Come Running To Reddit?
Help Us Make It Make Sense
We Call BS As Well
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