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Reddit Hilariously Defends Allergic Girl From Her Mean Boss And Some Poor Office Puppies

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    A Little Background

    Font - Hi, I'm a 32f. Here it goes: Everyone working in the office, dogs were never even an option Pandemic, shut down, working from home People trickle back in, and they are allowed to bring their dogs to ease the transition My group stays back for another year. Everyone's finally called back to the office I'm allergic to dogs, and the smell gives me migraines. Huge bummer, because I do like dogs, but it explains why in one foster home I was always feeling sick. Boss says we'll figure something

    It seems that this happened to a lot of people over the past few years. Previous methods of working were tossed out to accommodate a new order of business, but not many offices stopped to consider what this new order would look like, or how it would affect their employees. It's something we're all supposed to be navigating together, but it just doesn't seem like this woman's office is very committed to helping her figure it out.  

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    Now That's Just Rude

    Font - People with their own offices are not willing to give them up. Boss tells me that maybe it's best if I work from home. I live in a tiny studio that barely fits my bed, and I have to sit on it or on my floor to have a workspace. I have one window. It's suffocating and I was starting to go crazy living there during the pandemic and WFH. So, I say that if I can negotiate a raise that will be enough to help me to move to a larger place, I will consider WFH. Boss takes that to their boss, come

    This is where this story takes a turn. Originally, this was a rational complaint that the boss should've handled. But, then he decided to single her out, and try to make her the only one to work from home. She fires back with a rational response– give me proper accommodation– and is denied. So, what's she to do? Her boss isn't on her side, and neither are her coworkers. Seems like a pretty toxic work environment, to be honest. 

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    What Do You All Think?

    Font - I stand firm, and remind them that someone can give me an office, but no one would. So unfortunately, everyone has to stop bringing the dogs to the office. Coworkers and other people in the building are saying I'm selfish for not just taking the deal and going back to WFH because they'd all love to be allowed to. When I've told people about the tiny apartment and how I can't afford more, they say things like "just move back in with your parents" "just stop buying starbucks" and "start doi
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    She Also Provided This Extra Info

    Plant - Hey all, hope I'm formatting this right. Thanks for the responses so far. I appreciate the judgments and they're giving me a lot to think about. Just as a note, due to circumstances I'd prefer to not get into too much, I cannot just go find a new job or a new place to live. These are things that are, for me, out of my control for the time being. Things will hopefully change in a few years. :)
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    This Is Probably The Only Solution

    Rectangle - CranberrySafe3271 · 8 days ago Asshole Aficionado [10] NTA. But I'd start looking for a better job. People are assholes in an office and they won't get over this. Your environment there is only going to get worse. 15.4k Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    Are Office Goldfish A Thing?

    Font - gordito_delgado · 8 days ago I like dogs, but I certainly do not enjoy having them at the office. (the same would go for almost anything that is not responsible for its own behavior, like kids for example) - So in an office, I would absolutely be against bringing pets (other than a goldfish or something that was contained), no matter if I had allergies or not. However Op has to know this will absolutely make them the office AH for people that like those things. Start updating on LI friend
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    Dang It Marv

    Rectangle - redrosebeetle · 7 days ago Partassipant [4] It's all fun and games until Marv in accounting tells you how he refuses to use tick and flea treatments on his dog because it's too expensive. 83 5 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    No Turning Back Now

    Font - Yaaaassquatch · 8 days ago NTA but there's no staying there now. The only objection to everyone getting their pets at work? No way they'll have a good relationship with their colleagues now. Honestly, it's not fair but I'd take the WFH and use it to find a new job all day without them noticing. That's me personally though. Bummer situation for OP and I hope something better comes along 499 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    Burden Is On The Coworkers

    Font - niennabobenna · 8 days ago Colo-rectal Surgeon [32] NTA If they want to be with their dogs so much, one of them should make the sacrifice of giving up their office or they should be given the option to work from home. 4.2k 5 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    Some Good Perspective

    Font - Euphoric-Round-5182 · 8 days ago Partassipant [3] While you are NTA....(as a person who has three dogs and would love the opportunity to bring them to work!)..just be prepared that being not the asshole is not the same thing is 'everyone decides OP is not the asshole and becomes immediately nice to OP.' People are gonna be mad and gonna resent you. And even if everyone is totally on their best behavior and doesn't do anything actionable to you, hostility is hostility. And that's going to

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