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    Font - tastefullyoffensive Julia Galef @juliagalef I love overhearing dog owners talking to their dogs eg, I was petting this dog who seemed happy but then suddenly growled at me, so I left As I turned the corner I could hear his owner saying to him reproachfully, "You always do this, Oscar, you drive away all your friends" livingdeadpoetssociety Once I was swimming when a man walked by with his dog. The dog kept stopping and staring at me and the other swimmers. When the man got his dog walking

    Listen, if you have a pet, then you know that it's impossible to not talk to them like they are real humans who understand us. They are family. And yes, they may not understand us, but… sometimes we forget that, say something to them, and almost expect an answer. What we wouldn't do for the ability to actually understand them… smh. 

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    Font - amygdalan-arm Follow If your cat is curious abt what you're eating always let em have a lil whiff. 9/10 times they don't even wanna eat it they just wanted to know what it was. it's cute flopsy-art Follow #a cat wrote this #this is fake i tried it and my cat fuckin ate my chip #this is cat propoganda *WWHEEZEE* O 38,954 notes

    We do this all the time with our cats. Might as well let them sniff, right? They won't eat most of what we want to eat anyway. Except sometimes. Sometimes, you'll let them sniff something totally safe to put them off - like a pickle - and all of a sudden, they will be licking it and you will be googling if pickles are harmful to cats. 

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    Product - unclefather Follow To keep animals mentally and physically stimulated, Zoo animals are often given “enrichment items" like this snow. toronto Zoo they gave him cocaine gruncheon Follow funny that's my enrichment item too
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    Rodent - egberts the world's smallest carnivore is called the "least weasel" + i'm dying but like if it's the smallest carnivore then it sure is the least amount of weasel you can have sator-the-wanderer Look at him: this is absolutely the least amount of weasel you can have micromys Fun fact: it used to be a superstition in Greece that the least weasel was once a bride that was turned into an animal, and is now determined to shred the dresses of other brides out of jealousy. Pliny the Elder als
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    Cartoon - stagbeetleboy Follow Pegasus but built like a pterosaur stagbeetleboy Follow Really fucked up bat
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    Font - siniristiriita Story idea: The most wanted woman in town has announced that she'll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat's neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail, the cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them. You are the first one to figure out the obvious: Do not chase the cat. The cat is befriendable. Get the cat to trust you, to genuinely enjoy your company, and yo
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    Font - tilthat TIL Mice are not simply female rats. They are different animals entirely via powermonk Follow femaleprofiles Follow r/todayilearned Posted by u/Gecko1911a1 6 hours ago TIL Mice are not simply female rats. They are different animals entirely idiotic 24 Comments Give Award Share Save *** freckledcas 20 points. 6 hours ago Can we add a rule that doesn't allow "basic facts most 4 years old know"? Gecko1911a1 1 point - 2 hours ago I didn't say it was gr
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    Vertebrate - antique-scarecrow iguanamouth Follow 1h ago leaveittotegan-de...ated20181 asked Consider: crabs.... but with paws iguanamouth Follow Jan 22, 2017 dont touch iguanamouth Follow Jan 22, 2017 f3rn Touch YOU FOOL!!!!!! O 288,681 notes ...
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    Water - cannibalchicken The saddest part of being a snart is never being able to experience the crispness of a Pringle bogleech Sometimes they eat sand dollars :) poondragoon Sharks have 10-20 times the bite force of a human. A sand dollar test has roughly twelve times the crushing strength of a Pringle. QED, a shark may indeed experience the crispness of a Prinale.
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    Organism - beebascloset 12h ago Dinosaur line Where are they going twennari Follow 9h ago may they come along beebascloset 54m ago :0
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    Font - elytrians enough feminist retellings where the princess saves herself from the dragon. we need more feminist retellings where the princess and the dragon are a con artist duo scamming the knights of the realm. fluffycloudhead You mean Peach and Bowser? elytrians obsessed with the implications of this actually
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    Cat - froody being on my period makes me feel like a wounded forest animal trying to find a warm dark small place to die froody me and Tommy are both laying like this ooooughhhh
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    Font - I almost told my dad I was gonna get dicked down by a werewolf thanks tumblr Dad: Oh look it's a full moon Me: full moon and the year of the dog, you know what that means Dad: what Me: Im about to get dicked down by a werewolf ...... Awooooo :D Dad: :D
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    World - souhdestiny2 To the bird that sings at the top of his lungs without fail at 3am every morning... She's not gonna fuck you bro #

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