There's nothing like a grumpy cat that soaks and relishes in misery as if they have something to be miserable about. It must be oh so hard to live a carefree life with hooman servants who pay for your food, your expensive vet appointments, and love you to pieces. Oh, how hard they must have it… poor little guys.
Someone posted a photo of their grandpa's white cat saying that this cat does not hiss, nor bite, he just judges. Based on this one photo, we can tell that this is one hard-to-please cat. He's not mad nor angry, just disappointed. You were two minutes late to feed him? Disappointment. You're crying again over a romcom? Sigh… what a disappointment. You're ordering takeout *again* instead of cooking something up at home? So disappointing. We could go on for days but at this point, we're just hurting our own feelings. We hope you enjoy!
If we didn't know cats so well, we would actually feel for this fella. He really makes you feel like he's working 5 jobs at the same time trying to support all his 7 children just for one of them to come and say they want to pursue music instead of medical school. The disappointment!
Right?! With a stare like his, one that could probably kill. We can only imagine the tension and negative energy in that room. Wouldn't it just be easier to let it all out? Talk through your feelings, find some compromises, and live a happier life? No? Continue sulking? Ok
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