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Tumblr Thread: Moments Of Cats Acting Suspiciously Like Humans

  • 1
    Font - ulibeanz Follow every now and my cat does something very human like and i get very nervous and ask him "are you a person trapped in a cat's body. or did you choose this body" very seriously to see if this time he will communicate with me and he always kinda looks to the side and then does what i imagine to be a person doing a bad impression of a cat and it makes me so nervous cuz i do way too much weird shit around my cat for him to actually be a dude pretending to be a cat OO 206,885 not

    We do have to admit that, every once in a while, we find ourselves worrying about our cats' pure and innocent eyes. The things that we do in front of them are inappropriate on so many levels sometimes. We think that if our cats ever turned human out of nowhere, we wouldn't react with wonder, we'd react with mortification. 

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  • 2
    Font - tiredragedemon Follow When I was about ten or so I was very suspicious of our cat. He was the biggest cat I'd ever seen (Maine Coon) and he was way too smart and patient to be a real cat. I'm talking would come and pet my hair when I was crying. When he had a hairball he would run into the kitchen so he could throw up on the linoleum instead of the carpet.Hunting robins was too pedestrian for him. He'd bring home magpies and blue jays. He let my baby brother pull on his tail, chew his ear

    Who's to say that this isn't true too? We always write these moments off as silly coincidences. Yeah, yeah, they didn't really wink, and they didn't really understand us all those other times either, and yeah, it may happen every other week at this point, but clearly there's some explanation. There has to be, right? If not - magicians. 

  • 3
    Font - dovewithscales Follow Not just a cat. ria-the-singer Follow My cat, Meera, is like that. We found her stuck in a laundry vent, third degree burns on her paws, presumably abandoned. We had the resources for a second cat so of course we took her in. This cat. This. Fucking. Cat. - Has a confirmed vocabulary of common words that she can "speak" although it's garbled due to feline anatomy. She seems to contextually understand even more when one speaks to her.
  • 4
    Font - She has pinpointed the spots in my apartment with the best acoustics so she can "sing", which is this slow, melodic series of chirps and meows. She's spayed and cannot go into heat, and it doesn't sound like normal cat-in-heat noises anyway. I keep trying to film her doing this because it's super weird and I want someone who knows cat behavior to tell me what's going on, but as soon as she sees me she stops, does a "normal" cat meow and nervously grooms herself until I go away. - Idk, she
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  • 5
    Font - cattlaydee Follow I found one of my cats whiskers one time. I held it up to her and jokingly asked her if she was missing something and, hand to god, she lifted a paw and tapped the side of her muzzle and that was when I got very unsettled because I'm almost positive now that they understand far more than we realize.
  • 6
    Font - socialnetworkhell Follow The type of anxiety this post invokes is so rare and specific writeroost Follow Last night I started speaking in Indonesian to my cat and I had to stop because I strongly felt like he couldn't understand because he only speaks English. Why do I have such a strong feeling that he only speaks English??
  • 7
    Font - yourboyfriiend Follow peter pettigrew traumatized us crimson-not-scarlet Follow Look though, if you suddenly found yourself in a cat's body would you want to go back to being a human, with a human job and human responsibilities and human anxieties? I sure wouldn't.
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  • 8
    Font - empressofthelibrary Follow So, our resident cranky old lady, Gorgeous, is over seventeen and still going strong. I turned to her after reading this post and asked: "So, are you a cat, or are you something weird and magical?" And she looked up from her food, stared at me a moment, then went back to eating. She keeps looking up at me and out the window. I don't know what I've accidentally caught on to here, but I feel like Something Odd has now been alerted to my presence. Thanks, Internet.
  • 9
    Rectangle - sophygurl Follow I'm like 75% convinced my one cat is really a person in a cat-body and he can understand English and read clocks and also part of why he so obsessively watches his brother is to keep reminding himself how to cat properly.
  • 10
    Font - falling--in--place Follow Yeeeeess! I'll be doing something weird, and my cat will just be staring at me like, wth. Then he rolls his eyes and looks away like he's just disgusted with me. I'm honestly glad I'm not the only person that's wondered if my cat is actually a person tbh.
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  • 11
    Font - nastymancer Follow As a person, who does weird person things, if I got the opportunity to be a cat, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care if I saw a human doing weird shit Because I'd be all like "yeah buddy, I've been there" and then I'd go eat a lizard. O 206,885 notes

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