"My boy Milo..."
"My boy Milo likes to drink from the elevated dog water bowl. He will happily lap it up then stops for a moment and waves his paw under the bowl and looks confused. The bowl is held up by a frame but he doesn't understand why there is air underneath the water."
"Snowflake likes to eat with both front feet in the crunchy bowl"
"His existence is one ridiculous standard..."
"His existence is one ridiculous standard. He only eats one food with one wet food added. Wrong brand, missing a component, or wrong ratio will result in sitting ten feet away glaring at his bowl and scratching you every time you walk by. Water served anywhere besides a bowl on the side of my bathtub results in nighttime shenanigans that include jumping and sliding across every surface in the bedroom and knocking things off then sleeping at the bottom of the bed with his back to me. When all is reasonably acceptable he will sleep next to me but can't touch him or he will leave. When the food and water universe lines up then he will share my pillow with me. He also likes to stare condescendingly from the top of the refrigerator."
"This little bit has to sniff EVERYTHING..."
"This little bit has to sniff EVERYTHING my boyfriend and I eat, she will not eat it but has to sniff... then she hangs her mouth open. If she likes it she tries to rub it, if she dislikes she pulls her head away all offended..
With her own food she scoop ONE kibble out and plays hockey with it, she will not go for any other kibble except that one until she decides to eat it. If it gets stuck under something she will hunt it for hours." -
"Luna reminds me it's mealtime, watches intently as I prepare it, then sniffs it and walks off, as if to say "that's suitable, but I will return later and eat it"."
"One of my cats has had a thing for condensation since her kittenhood!"
"My dilute tortie scoops coffee out of my cup with her left paw exclusively."
"Cricket thinks everything tastes better when it’s eaten human-style. Here, she’s enjoying some sour cream."
"My sweet rescue girl Marnie insists I give her treats every time I stand up, talk to her, or look at her. She prefers to be fed on her bed, not on the cupboard where her bowls are located. She's so stinking SPOILED......"
"Gordon likes to dip his paw in his water bowl and then licks the water off his paw. Apparently drinking from the bowl is not his thing."
"Sam doesn't like to poop and has figured out that eating makes you poop, so he has decided that he doesn't like to eat now either"
"This big ol' floof boi has departed, but he had polydactyly and 'ate with his hands.' He'd scoop up a bunch of kibble, then sit and momch them out of his fist. He was the best cat ever."
"Sam likes butter. He's old and slow but if he hears the toaster, he comes running. He doesn't want toast, just butter."
"When my Logan was an itty bitty baby he would climb into the bigger cats food dish to eat it. 7 years later he still kinda does, he puts his front paws into the bowl when eating."
"my kitty peyton won't eat unless somebody is *right* there with her. and she likes to be petted after every few bites."
"A cat I pet sit loves arugula"
"The multicolour, Luchy, will only drink fresh cold water..."
"The multicolour, Luchy, will only drink fresh cold water and likes to try to bury his food dish if there is food left in it. I've seen him drag rugs and shirts from other rooms, but if he can't find anything he just paws at the floor and fakes it. The gray and white one, Nitro, is obsessed with McDonalds fries (and only McDonalds - I've tried giving him some from other places and he turns his nose up at them), and the crust edge off pizza pops for no understandable reason. Both cats have learned to recognize the sound of cheese slices being opened, and will magically appear to beg for a piece whenever you open one."
"Mango eats spaghetti, peanut butter, lamb and the other usual cat likes. I was eating salad and he wanted the lettuce."
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