Ridiculously Hissterical Yet Kind Of Awwdorable Cat Eating Habits: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

  • 01

    "My boy Milo..."

    Cat - VANOSSA
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  • 02

    "Snowflake likes to eat with both front feet in the crunchy bowl"

  • 03

    "His existence is one ridiculous standard..."

  • 04

    "This little bit has to sniff EVERYTHING..."

    Cat - areas
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  • 05

    "Luna reminds me it's mealtime, watches intently as I prepare it, then sniffs it and walks off, as if to say "that's suitable, but I will return later and eat it"."

  • 06

    "One of my cats has had a thing for condensation since her kittenhood!"

    Cat - ل معنا
  • 07

    "My dilute tortie scoops coffee out of my cup with her left paw exclusively."

    Tableware - color slides CITY OF LOS AND 10.00
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  • 08

    "Cricket thinks everything tastes better when it’s eaten human-style. Here, she’s enjoying some sour cream."

  • 09

    "My sweet rescue girl Marnie insists I give her treats every time I stand up, talk to her, or look at her. She prefers to be fed on her bed, not on the cupboard where her bowls are located. She's so stinking SPOILED......"

  • 10

    "Gordon likes to dip his paw in his water bowl and then licks the water off his paw. Apparently drinking from the bowl is not his thing."

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  • 11

    "Sam doesn't like to poop and has figured out that eating makes you poop, so he has decided that he doesn't like to eat now either"

  • 12

    "This big ol' floof boi has departed, but he had polydactyly and 'ate with his hands.' He'd scoop up a bunch of kibble, then sit and momch them out of his fist. He was the best cat ever."

  • 13

    "Sam likes butter. He's old and slow but if he hears the toaster, he comes running. He doesn't want toast, just butter."

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  • 14

    "When my Logan was an itty bitty baby he would climb into the bigger cats food dish to eat it. 7 years later he still kinda does, he puts his front paws into the bowl when eating."

  • 15

    "my kitty peyton won't eat unless somebody is *right* there with her. and she likes to be petted after every few bites."

    Shoe - 080 aver MAY
  • 16

    "A cat I pet sit loves arugula"

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  • 17

    "The multicolour, Luchy, will only drink fresh cold water..."

    Brown - Tumbl
  • 18

    "Mango eats spaghetti, peanut butter, lamb and the other usual cat likes. I was eating salad and he wanted the lettuce."



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