'He deserves an Oscar for best dog cam performance of the year': Dog discovers security camera and stares into it longingly whenever his parents leave


Cue Sarah McLachlan's “Angel.” Einstein's a cute little bully baby who is always stealing the spotlight with his adorableness. He loves to cuddle with any human in his nearest vicinity and has the most puppy dog eyes you can imagine You'd think an innocent creature like that would have no idea the power he holds with that epic cuteness, but, oh, Einstein does. Or, at least, when he spots the camera it appears like he knows exactly what he is doing.  

He's parents recently posted a video of him discovering the security camera they leave on when they are out of the house. It's a normal precaution dog parents do these days to make sure their four-legged pup is safe and sound when they are not home. However, Einstein found a different use for the camera. 

The camera turns to find him, he's staring directly at the lens, as if he it turned to look at him because he howled at it, “I'm ready for my close up!” And with that the camera turns to a sad looking pup with the most heart wrenching puppy dog eyes staring into your soul. He tries not to look directly in the camera, to keep the illusion up that he is just a dog being sad, no ulterior motive. As the camera pans to the side, he slowly trudges along with it, like his broken heart is too heavy to hold. He slumps himself into a corner, stealing another quick glance into the lens to make sure the camera was still on him.

Then he slowly lowers his head until it becomes a dramatic fall to the floor with his face directly pointed towards the camera laying on his belly with the saddest expression.  He's very good. But it's all a ruse! Because when the cameras are on with his humans around, he is the happiest pup around and he seems a lot more natural at being a happy pup than the dramatic sad boi he puts on for the cameras when his folks are away. 


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