Like the temptation of touching a hot iron, diners at McDonald's have long been tempted to stretch the limits of customization at the golden arches. Sure, there's the old ordering nine McNuggets with only seven nuggets, but that's kids stuff.
Twitter user @coLMerchant took things to the next level, ordering nothing but a single slice of cheese the hard way. He placed an order at one of those fancy computer ready kiosk McDonald's, you know the one stealing everyone's jobs, and put in an burger sure to fry the computer's circuits: "NO ONION, NO KETCHUP, NO MUSTARD, NO PICKLES, NO BUN, NO MEAT." That's one way to get a veggie burger at McDonald's.
I ordered a cheese. Not sure what I expected.
— Merchant (@coLMerchant) March 13, 2017
He got what he wanted, and that single slice of cheese only cost him 99 cents. That's only 99 pennies. Talk about a value.
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