Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Interesting Stories About Strange Humans

  • 01
    Rectangle - tissueboxesforseals weaver-z There was a really big cowboy-looking dude in the coffee shop, and after a while I realized he seemed to be staring at me, and I was getting uncomfortable until he suddenly startled and came over to say "I'm so sorry, ma'am, I wasn't trying to stare at you. There is a HUGE bird behind you." And lo and behold, right outside the window, there was an absolute unit of a crow 32,872 notes Aug 4th, 2022 ***
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  • 02
    Azure - crowtatoes erlanis Follow rogueninja Follow if cats aren't meant to be kissed on their heads then what's that little space between their ears for wwwwyamd Follow ... #certainly not their brain 63k notes
  • 03
    Human body - fartgallery Follow if any of you happen to be rich & generous please buy me a hot air balloon and a fog machine. in return ill give you this picture: (please do not just right click and save the picture, we're working on the honour system here) fartgallery Follow I cant believe i predicted NFTs
  • 04
    Terrestrial plant - fanghusband if i was a vampire in my bat form i would simply curl up in your pocket moderngargoyle I would cut little slices of fruit occasionally throughout the day to slip in there for you to munch on fanghusband i appreciate you so much
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  • 05
    Furniture - berserkbasicbitches florence-lana-marina carlsagan: unclepolymer Source: unclepolymer BEL Pusheen the cat making some chemistry. That cat is not wearing safety goggles, he hasn't even bothered to clean up that spilled solvent, and he is holding that Erlenmeyer flask way to close to his face. Pusheen the Cat, more like Pusheen the limits of lab safety
  • 06
    Organism - normal-horoscopes Follow Everyone shut up and look at this carving of a whale from the 1200-600 CE Chumash culture
  • 07
    Font - 9:09 VIA After killing the two males she was paired with, Walnut the crane fell in love with her zookeeper. (Image: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute) mens-rights-activia dingdongyouarewrong yetanothergreyjedi Follow that is the face of a man worried he will be next mf-dooom Quite Interesting @qikipedia ashtraythief Follow Good news, he was not next! In fact, she accepted him as her mate, he learned the crane mating dance and now every year, he artificially inseminates her with c
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  • 08
    Font - conan-doyles-carnations 'In 1778, two Irish gentlewomen put on men's clothing and ran away together. Lady Eleanor Butler had received several offers of marriage but was determined to share her life with her friend Sarah Ponsonby. [...] They spent the rest of their lives in a black and white house called Plas Newydd outside Llangollen, cultivating their garden, improving their minds and filling the house with clocks, cabinets and "whirligigs of every shape and hue". [They also had] a littl
  • 09
    Water - internetbynight Follow animalids Follow Freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) preying on a juvenile freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Photo by David Woods mearc-stapa Follow Sawfish Temporal range: Late Cretaceous - Recent [¹] Freshwater crocodile Temporal range: Pleistocene-present, 2.6-0 Ma[¹] this shit has been going on for 2.5 million years 10k notes D 17
  • 10
    Product - en-shaedn: lackofa: SAACKS SOME SHET SALCKS SOME SHIT SACKS SOME SHET SAACKS SOME SHLT Giraffe-taur drops a quarter: the crappy comic. okay but this is the purpose of the internet. I can look at a cute comic about a giraffe centaur who dropped his quarter trying to get a crappy vending machine snack. In no universe would I think of or make this myself. How awesome
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  • 11
    Organism - dimedog i can't stop sending this cat to people so I may as well draw him coolcatgroup I absolutely love this cat so I'm glad you did this Source: dimedog
  • 12
    Food - saintprocula Follow Shocking how many people don't know that hens lay non-fertilized eggs and think the yolk they're eating is a baby chicken countess-of-edessa once tried desperately to make my friend understand that yolks were not, like, a liquified potentiality of chicken, and she looked at me for a while and then said, "but they're both yellow." woolandflax Follow Behold A chicken alexseanchai Follow [image: a lemon.] Follow Paw brawltogethernow Follow Image descriptions that incident
  • 13
    Vertebrate - memewhore Taylor Borth When I don't immediately feed Morty in the morning he pretends like he is passing away spleenyz 21 Oct 3 fallout-lou-begas A quick study of the body reveals that the thug is still alive, and nerely pretending to be dead. hornetstabber goldenhydreigon47 Gypceros be like: he is sleeping bscotchdoodles OK


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