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This boss laid into an intern when she took a call from her mother telling her that she needed to hurry to the vet to see her dying cat. The boss's reaction sparked a mass resignation within the workplace. Hey, maybe the boss will learn from the consequences of their actions.
This thread was originally posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by user pthrowaway98p, who shared their story with the popular sub. They shared their story to see if they were wrong for their part in sparking the mass resignation, sending a company-wide email calling out the boss for their actions. From their description, it doesn't sound like it was a great place to work even before this incident.
Commenters overwhelmingly decreed that the poster completely justified their actions and applauded them for sticking it to their terrible employer.
"NTA and why do people think they're morally obligated to protect their employers from the consequences of the employer's own actions?" commented OsaWyld.
"Also, and I see this a lot in this sub, no OP didn't cause this mass quitting, the company and its treatment of people did," replied tango421 to that comment. "What the boss did was the tipping point, and what OP did facilitated the reaction. [The] root cause was the piss poor behavior of the company. Oh and NTA."
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