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We've all worked for or lived with this person in the past. That person who would rather suffer frostbite than pay one red cent for one of the most basic comforts that modern society offers. These people insist that the thermostat be set low or the heat be turned off and everyone else be damned. You're going to live and/or work in an icebox and you're going to like it.
Well, this apprentice had a bright idea and decided that if they couldn't change their cheap boss's mind then they would warp his reality instead. The boss HAD to see 62F on the thermostat, so the apprentice just recalibrated it so what the thermostat thought was 62F was actually about 10 degrees warmer. Genius.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by Reddit user u/Santasotherbrother, who shared their story to the popular sub.
Readers enjoyed this short-and-sweet tale of revenge and shared some experiences and stories of their own in the comments.
"BRRR! I feel your pain, in my office, the temp is set to 72," replied sheilacmd "It is nowhere near it. I wear a hoodie all day at my desk. I took a thermometer in one day and the temp in my office did not go above 64, But the owners insist everything is working as it should."
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