Regardless of whether or not you're single or whether or not you've been in a relationship for too many years, the ways in which we relate (or don't relate) to our dates and significant others are certainly fodder for great comedy.
We can all identify with trying to decipher someone else's sense of humor or trying to understand their interests (Dune just doesn't do it for me, sorry!). We can all identify with having a very different sleep cycle from our bedfellows (just be sure to give me a kiss goodbye when you leave and let me sleep for five more hours!). And of course, we can all identify with cultural or generational differences (try dating someone in their 30s while being your 20s and then try dating someone in their 20s when you inevitably reach 30).
No matter what your dating and relationship qualms are, we hope these tweets will provide some laughs and comfort.
For more dating fails, check out these top Hinge comments of the month and keep scrolling below for these memorable tweets!
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