The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a bonafide cultural juggernaut at this point. Pre-pandemic, it seemed like Marvel could do no wrong, and the brand's influence had zero limits. After a couple of flops by Marvels standard came out in 2021, it's hard to know what the future of the brand looks like. Will they ever be able to top Endgame? Is that what they should be attempting? Will Disney+ be the death of the MCU? Is the oversaturation of superhero movies going to ultimately lead to their downfall?
Whatever hot takes you might have about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the MCU as a moneymaking machine is not what makes Marvel great. Superhero movies connect with so many of us because they are stories about people who are both remarkable and relatable. Superheros and villains are imperfect and allow us to see ourselves in the extraordinary things they do. If you're a fan of the MCU because you love the characters and the worlds they inhabit, you'll love the following Marvel memes.
Updated December 2, 2022