When Husbands Have To Begrudgingly Accept Their Fates As Cat Dads, No Matter The Consequences

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    Human - Sun N Martin Partida i'm having the opposite problem. i work at a cat shelter, we already have two plus a dog, but my husband went to work with me today.... Like Reply Hide 1w O 155
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    Font - Linda Cannon I told my husband to close his eyes and put out his hands. I put an adorable little calico kitten in his hands. That was about 10 years ago! Like Reply Hide 1w 27
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    Font - Ralph N Melinda Weathers Told my husband - Congratulations! It's a boy!! He was so happy I wasn't pregnant he didn't care about the kitten! Like Reply Hide 1w 14
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    Font - Josie Hocking My husband told me that if I got another cat, he would leave. I said okay! Then I said "Where do you think you will go?" I adopted two kittens and he stayed. Like Reply Hide 1w 13
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    Font - Top fan Vonda K Metcalf The line was drawn in the sand at 6 cats... Cat number 13, I hear my husband ask "do we have an orange cat?" Buddy had been in the house almost a week before Hubs noticed Buddy laying on the sofa. "We do now!" Like Reply Hide 1w Edited 9
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    Font - Mercedes Jones I once found a tiny kitten at the gas station on my way to work so I brought it back to our apartment, opened the door, threw it onto my husband and bolted out of dodge. Got home after my shift and kitten was still in his lap, snuggled up to his game controller blasting away with him. And that's the day I learned I can get away with pretty much anything as long as *it* or *I* am cute enough. Like Reply Hide 1w 5
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    Font - Sarah Mertens My husband was "scared" of cats and I was not allowed to have one. That was 13 cats ago. Like Reply Hide 1w 4
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    Font - Susan Ellis Eddy I told my husband I was going to look at some cats at an adoption event. Needless to say, I came home with two kittens. Like Reply Hide 1w 2
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    Font - Cynde Hujarski I brought home a second kitten to keep my first one company. My husband was less than pleased. That was 2 years ago. That kitten chose him as her favorite human. She all but ignores me for his attention and pets now. He just laughs. I remind him how he growled at me when I first brought her home. Lol! I always tell her she picked the right parent to suck up too. If she ends up with high vet bills like the other one, he'll be the one to fix her. Like Reply Hide 1w
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    Font - Jeanne Wilkinson I was told I could bring home 1 female kitten. When I came home I put the box in the bathroom. When my husband went in he said "who is the other kitten for ?" | said that's Fred and Ginger ! Lol "ok". Like Reply Hide 1w
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    Font - Nicole Ann Years ago we found a kitten in our basement. No idea how he got there. We had a cat already that did not get along with other animals. Husband said we could not keep him. After a couple of days, I set out to bring him to the animal shelter on my way to work. Husband texts and says he missed the little guy already and so the next day I went back and got him Like Reply Hide 1w


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