Twitter Thread: Man Secretly Takes Cat From Girlfriend Who Threatened To Put It Down Because Of Moving

  • 01
    Font - FESS Fesshole HOLE @fesshole I dated a woman for a few months when she got a job offer to move to another city. I was gutted as I loved her cat. Then she said she was just going to get him put down. He suddenly vanish from her garden. We had 14 brilliant years together and died sleeping peacfully on my lap. 7:25 PM - Sep 8, 2022 fesshole 325 Retweets 52 Quote Tweets 21.1K Likes
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  • 02
    Font - Icarus Son Of Daedalus @Icarus_Flies Replying to @fesshole My ex suddenly developed an allergy to our cat (the breed is notoriously hypoallergenic) after we separated. ... She insisted on keeping the cat and then this. She said he was going to be rehomed with the vet (read as 'put down'). I rescued him and he's my best bud again
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    Cat - 8:24 PM - Sep 8, 2022. Twitter for iPhone
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    Font - Michael Fearon M @fearonm Replying to @fesshole Can you even put a healthy cat down for no reason? 7:28 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - Heather Gonna Give You Up @mostly heather Replying to @fearonm and @fesshole My mum is a vet, at least 7 of her pets have been healthy animals that owners wanted to put down and she couldn't do it 7:38 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter Web App
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    Font - Dave The Wood Guy @DaveTheWood Guy Replying to @fesshole I mean, you probably could've just said 'don't kill the cat, I'll take it'. I don't think you had to steal it. 10:14 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - Kate Robey @KatyrooBoz Replying to @DaveTheWoodGuy and @fesshole Does it matter? She didn't care whether it lived or died, so why would she care if OP stole it? 10:50 PM. Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter Web App
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    Font - BBurchellPhotos @BBurchellPhoto1 Replying to @fesshole Well done for rescuing the cat. And thank god you got out of that relationship because fuck, who would kill their pet to move?! 7:26 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter Web App
  • 09
    Font - J.T. Tannhauser @paperDJ Replying to @fesshole Mum stole our first cat. Her repugnant owner used to chuck her out at night, when she was a kitten, in the middle of winter. Balderick, as she was called, weirdly never tried to go back. We moved not long after and had that glorious puss for many years. 7:53 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - Rebacca Robinson @RebaccaRobinson Replying to @paperDJ and @fesshole I found my darling boy the same way-running about in the cold+ falling snow following my girl. After the second night I saw him there was no hesitation. 15 years on with many happy days of their company. 10:12 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - FOR Christa Jackson @misplaced person Replying to @fesshole Both you and the cat dodged a bullet there. Literally, in the cat's case. 7:35 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone
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    Font - AdventuresInEnnui @AOC47th2024 Replying to @fesshole When my already by that point ex-girlfriend said she wasn't going to pay for her dog's surgery, I told her "fine, he's my dog now." My wife approves. 4:27 AM - Sep 9, 2022 Twitter for Android
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    Font - Claire @GatherTheSenses Replying to @fesshole This world needs more people like OP, and less people like the cat's original owner. 7:31 PM - Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android
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    Font - Martyn Thornber @martyn_thornber Replying to @fesshole On a potentially very sad day, this has lifted me up. Thank you 7:28 PM . Sep 8, 2022 - Twitter for Android


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