Total Creep Shows True Colors With Cringey Impression of Women

  • 01
    Font - LO SheRates Dogs @SheRates Dogs He is telling on himself with that impression of how "girls talk" 3:28 PM No thank you. I don't know you. 3:59 PM G could have told you that one but that's all you get to know people if you talk to him see what happens but whatever don't f****** message me back if you want to be like this I thought you'd be a cool person to get to know but not with your b******* attitude right now Good luck finding whoever you're going to date but it's not me that's the rea
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  • 02
    Font - May I add you on snapchat please 3:28 PM No thank you. I don't know you. 3:59 PM G could have told you that one but that's all you get to know people if you talk to him see what happens but whatever don't f****** message me back if you want to be like this I thought you'd be a cool person to get to know but not with your b******* attitude right now Good luck finding whoever you're going to date but it's not me that's the reason I want to add you on Snapchat to talk but whatever I asked to
  • 03
    Font - I'll back either forget it okay I'm going to be like a girl now you're a f****** creep You're psychotic you need help and leave me the hell alone you freaking creep like seriously no one wants to talk to you you weirdo so please stop message me you're just a creep Ok then stop messaging me. Seriously I told you to leave me the hell alone you don't listen there you seriously need some help Lol ok I told you leaving how long you're freaking creepy you're old look like you're 90 years old so
  • 04
    Font - @Just_Say_Nora Replying to @SheRatesDogs him: im gonna talk to you the way women talk to me..... Adat nora goes on to call her a creep and keeps mentioning the need for serious mental health intervention and outside help.... how can i even parodise this 1:49 PM 9/15/22 Twitter for Android 0 . 29 Retweets 5,147 Likes 27 $ SheRatesDogs @SheRatesDogs. 1d Replying to @Just_Say_Nora And the age thing like ok so... why are girls saying stay away from me you're old lol 1 27 2 1,919 ↑₁
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  • 05
    Font - 3DPat @ThreeDPat Replying to @SheRatesDogs Way too many * next to that letter B. Like what word could that be? 7 letters after B? So bitchaly? 2:20 PM 9/15/22 Twitter for iPhone .
  • 06
    Organism - totally ian @prehistor_ian Replying to @SheRatesDogs he knows a lil too much about getting called a creep 1:46 PM 9/15/22 Twitter for iPhone • .
  • 07
    Organism - brianna vol II @Brivado Replying to @SheRates Dogs Haha yeah girls TM are always saying things like "you're a creep" "leave me alone" and "please stop messaging me". Just girl things 9:28 AM 9/16/22 Twitter for iPhone . 2 Retweets 42 Likes
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  • 08
    Jaw - inês @satvrnfav 22h Replying to @SheRatesDogs "youre psychotic" proceeds to go absolutely crazy over a polite no 1 27 5 1,412 I think therefore I am @iamjale.... 13h It seemed like a circumstantial no, too. Like, maybe after getting to know each other, she'd be open to it? 1 27 107 ↑
  • 09
    Font - Mark D. @MDrakoni • 22h Replying to @SheRates Dogs Is this a 14-year-old? I'm serious bro what adult person talks like this? 6 27 X 102 SmileyP @Smil....15h Definitely an adult with the whole 'impression of women' and saying she looks 90 which means women have said something like that to him, so he's definitely like a 30ish year old going after late teens early 20s girls, if we're LUCKY 27 1 ↑ 88 ↑ ...
  • 10
    Font - tharealkaylaj @tharealkaylaj 21h Replying to @SheRatesDogs The gag is he was talking to u through another social media app already so what was his actual point. If he wanted to get to know you, he can know you through one app. When ppl talk like this, they never had good intentions in the first place, so I'm glad he shown his true colors 3 27 2 294 jdb @jdb. 19h Exactly. He's like, lemme get your Snapchat so I can harass you in multiple apps. And probably send unsolicited pictures. 27 216
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  • 11
    Nose - EX @gayslantwink. 1d Replying to @SheRatesDogs him censoring the swear words 22 1 1,297 4 ↑ Emily @emmcgoobz. 1d Like so much extra effort. For what? 3 27 1 462 ↑
  • 12
    Font - bella * @_Choccy_Milk Replying to @SheRates Dogs but she didn't even reject him what is he on about she just didn't give a stranger her snap. they were already talking on that app and she didn't ask him to leave her alone until he started having a meltdown so literally what was his problem 10:23 PM 9/15/22 Twitter Web App ●
  • 13
    Font - meh @stareapparent Replying to @SheRates Dogs Ah the classic "you rejected me so now you're hideous" 1:55 PM - 9/15/22 Twitter for Android ·
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  • 14
    Font - Samuel E. Rodriguez (Delicious Ore... @032502sr Replying to @SheRatesDogs I feel like after a certain number of rejections it has to click that theres something wrong on your end? Like if nobody wants to date you, its not because everybody sucks I can guarantee you that. 1:32 AM - 9/16/22 Twitter Web App
  • 15
    Font - J. Luke Miller @Looka_Bazooka Replying to @SheRates Dogs No one: Nobody: Not one person: Not a single soul in existence: Complete emptiness: Absolute silence: Him: sToP mEsSaGiNg Me 4:13 PM 9/15/22 Twitter for Android ●


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