Cat memes make our mornings better. It seems that every single morning, we wake up and the first thing we think about is getting ourselves a piping hot cup of coffee. Once the caffeine starts flowing through our veins we realize that the next thing we think about is how we need a little extra dose of feline humor in the form of funny cat memes. A few funny cat memes certainly go a long way especially when we need to wake tf up and energize ourselves prior to a long and busy day.
And, just because we are feeling indulgent, we'll grab ourselves a slice of cake to enjoy alongside our coffee and cat memes. Our cats have never shown much interest in sweets, mainly bread and pasta type foods. So, we can actually enjoy the coffee, the cake, and the memes in peace. Unless of course our cats are hungry. In that case, we cannot enjoy anything in peace. The meows speak for themselves.
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