Seagull Makes Insane Overdramatic Sound After Getting Tricked by a French Fry Behind a Window


Seagulls are not known for being the most well mannered birds in the wild. They have gotten to used to the edible trash us humans leave behind on beaches and they now demand it. They feel so entitled to our human food, that seagulls are known to sit there and intimated you until you give them your food or they will straight up swoop down and take it from you. 

One woman on the internet caught this intimidation tactics firsthand and shared her video, however the seagull was a little out of the ordinary… 


The woman was in her car eating french fries, minding her own business, when a little seagull noticed and sat on the hood of hear car staring at her through the windshield. The woman tossed a french fry on the dash to see if the bird would still go for it, and it sure did. The bird most likely has no concept of how a window works and was so confused that it let out a sound only those who have truly been defeated have heard in their souls. Or maybe the gull knows all about windows and truly thought its peck was strong enough to puncture through the window and when it didn't he was so disappointed that he let out a scream of defeat. Either way, the way it yelled like it had let all its ancestors down was heartbreaking and a little terrifying... 

So, of course, the woman gave in. She rolled down her window, apologized for the inconvenience, and tossed a fry out the window. The gull yoinked that bad boy from the ground so fast and was off. Maybe trying to out run its shame or its earlier defeat or maybe it was flying far far away to be certain that the magical force field that had prevented it from eating it before was far far away. 

Whatever was going through the mind of that seagull, that sound will now be the voice of your sleep paralysis demon. Good luck. 

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