When you're young, it's easy to get sucked into the daydream of being flirtatious and beautiful, while starting your uber-glamorous career where you wear stylish, tailored pantsuits. With your millions, you could jet-set around the world, all on your own, and fly your private jet to Yves Saint Laurent for the weekend to buy things you don't need with people who admire you. But then you wake up and realize you're an unpaid intern at a real estate firm. You got a long way to go, sis.
It's funny how the dream still lingers though. It makes you consider things you never would before, like setting aside your love life and starting to hit on older men at a yacht club in the hopes of becoming someone's well-paid mistress or even better— the wife to an 85 year old with a billion dollar estate and a heart condition. Keep dreaming, maybe one day you'll know what it's like to be a 1%er… Until then, you can keep using coins from your cupholder to pay for gas.
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