Now that the gluttony and ritual of Thanksgiving have come and gone, 'tis finally the season for indulging in Hallmark Christmas/holiday movies. Now, I understand that many of you may consider the channel's "films" (if you can call them that) a low form of entertainment. But gosh darn it, they are predictable! There are not many tropes that compare when it comes to formulaicity, and that's a blessing and a curse. It's great that I can multitask with one of the Christmas romps on the television, but they're certainly not giving any exciting twists, turns, or conspiracies. Despite this, the genre has amassed a huge number of fans, as evidenced by a wildly popular string of tweets from @shylawhittney.
Seems our heroine had a very Hallmark meet-cute while trying to unload a Christmas tree from the top of her car, and she shared her disbelief and, what some may consider, dumb luck, with the people of Twitter.
Users quickly got riffing on her chance encounter, describing what her next moves should be, and creating their own plotlines for this Hallmark romance that is yet to be. Needless to say, it's an entertaining read, and we're already dying for an update.