Having a cat is the best thing in the world. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. They can tell you whatever they want about cats being aloof or cats only loving you because you give them food or whatever else. They're wrong. It's just that cats have a hard time bonding with others sometimes. So, when they do, that's a precious thing. That's why, a lot of times, when shelters see that two cats have bonded - have become what is known as a "bonded pair" - they make sure that those two cats adopted together.
Bonded pairs are absolutely adorable - the way that they're attached at the hip, the love that they clearly feel for each other. Separating them is not an option, not when they're so emotionally dependent on one another, and personally, we love how much shelters insist on that. And besides, if you're ready to adopt one, maybe you're ready for two. After all, two cats are even better than one.
We've been to shelters before that have straight up refused to separate a bonded pair even if one of them had the chance to be adopted, and as much as we want each and every cat to find a forever home, we actually respect this so much. In the shelter, the cats have each other. If they'd be separated, one of them would have a forever home and would maybe even connect with someone new there as much as they connected with the cat in the shelter, but they would be both be lonely. Better to wait for someone to adopt them together.
This is one of the things that we love about twitter. Someone says anything about a cat ever, and suddenly, the replies are full of cat pics. We're guilty of adding to the trend of course, but this is one trend that has not gone away yet and probably never will.
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