Depressed Reindeer Can’t Grow His Own Antlers, Farmer Gives Him Festive Christmas Santa Antlers, Is Instantly Happier


Fun Fact! In North America, these animals from the deer family are called caribou if they are wild and reindeer if they are domesticated, so Santa's deer are reindeer. The most famous being Rudolph, who was made an outcast by all the other reindeer on Santa's team because his nose lit up red. They bullied him and wouldn't let him play in any reindeer games. Which is probably what this little reindeer in real life was feeling like.

Nicknamed Fritz, this little guy struggles to grow antlers like all the other deer do. This year he was only able to pop out a tiny stub from the top of his head, and the farmer could tell it was bumming him out. He couldn't play fight with his siblings, by ramming his antlers into them since he had hardly anything and they had great big racks of antlers. 


The farmer had an idea to boost Fritz's confidence, a bit silly, but sweet and there was no harm in trying. So, she found some cheap drug store Christmas Santa decorations of a head band with festive antlers and placed them on his head. Fritz took a minute to register what was going on, but then it clicked. He instantly became so much happier! His eyes light up and he shook his little head as if to test out his new antlers. 

Must people know, with a great head of hair comes a great deal of confidence—well, this is the same with reindeers and antlers. Now that Fritz had a head with antlers his confidence went through the roof and he went straight to go challenging his siblings in a game of ramming heads. (His siblings could tell the antlers weren't as sturdy as their own, so they took it easy on him.)

Fritz depression seemed to have been cure, simply by wearing a cute little holiday cheer upon his head. So for all you humbugs out there, let that be a lesson! Sometimes a cheap decoration could cheer someone up enough to give them some confidence. 

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