“Just had our secret Santa in the office. I was the only one who didn’t receive a gift. Guess who had me, the boss….” Posted by u/flibbity-flop

The comment section
Hopefully OP found some comfort in the comment section, where many other redditors could relate and sympathize.

“Yup.” said OP, “Well he’s just gone to the supermarket over lunch so I’m guessing he’ll be bringing back something from there”
“And now is your perfect opportunity to say ‘sorry, but that ship has sailed’” said u/IamNotTheMama.
“Well he came back empty handed so guess I won’t be getting anything!” said OP.

“Next time he asks for something extra OP should say 'you'll get it/ I'll do it at some point'” said u/shelballama.
“'Sure boss, just like my Christmas present, right?' Just throw that shit at him from here on out, especially in public. Only the 2 of you know what that’s about.” said u/Sumfuc.

“Well it was a nice thing for your coworkers to do. One of mine wrapped up some marshmallows in a sheet of paper and gave it to me so I wouldn’t feel left out! A bit of a piss take but pretty funny” said OP.

Read the original thread here.