Our feline friends have achieved internet fame through many means. From the fabulous hats we put them in, to the classic face of 'Grumpy Cat', to the cutest kittens the internet has ever seen. However, this list doesn't include any of these examples, instead we have collected a spectacle of the most shocked cats on the planet!
Feline surprise is such a joyous thing. Their already wide eyes widening further, their tiny little mouths left agape, it's so cute! That being said, there are a surprising amount of things that cat hoomans should be aware of, that might unintentionally scare your furry friend. The list ranges from the more common: Loud Noises, People and other Cats and Dogs, to the more surprising: Mirrors, Water and New Furniture. We'll probably have to think twice about ordering that new couch for the living room…
Oh poor baby what a shock he must have gotten. I mean honestly what was his hooman thinking, the cat hooman agreement is that cats will go, do and ask (scream) for what ever they want and the hoomans will deal with it in exchange for the occasional 5 second cuddle. Today that agreement has been broken, and I truly fear for the destiny of man kind. Love live the cats!
Did you know that the reason hoomans are drawn to talk to cats (and other animals) is because we see something hooman in them. Maybe it is their sass or perhaps it is their tenacity, but no matter what we just keep trying to communicate with cats. They must be getting sick of us by now surely?
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